OASIS Emergency Management TC

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[emergency] Agenda for 2/18 Call

  • 1.  [emergency] Agenda for 2/18 Call

    Posted 02-18-2003 12:12
     MHonArc v2.5.2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: [emergency] Agenda for 2/18 Call

    I apologize to all for my tardiness in getting the agenda for today's
    call out. In my defense I was a victim of the winter storm that hit the
    US East Coast this past weekend (and a transmission falling out of a
    rental car while on the phone with Rick discussion EM TC work). It's
    been an interesting few days.
    That aside, there has been a lot of good information flowing into the
    list this past week. At this point we need to divide this up,
    researching it, and have some more in-depth discussions on how these
    play with our efforts. This should translate into a lot of open
    discussion over the next week. We also need to start planning for a
    face-to-face meeting to really get the ball rolling. Based on these two
    tasks, here is the agenda for today's call.
    1. Address any final questions about OASIS, the EM TC, or the process.
    2. Review of Standards: please see
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200302/msg00012.html, and
    http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200302/msg00013.html. We
    will need to divide these up and spend the next week exchanging
    information about what these efforts are focused on. We also need to
    identify any liaisons, with other standards, that any of us might be
    aware of.
    3. Face-to-Face Meeting: need to discuss possible dates and locations to
    try and have one within the next 6 weeks if possible. If any of you are
    aware of any conferences that we can piggy back this on, please let the
    group know.
    R. Allen Wyke
    VP, Technology and Services

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