OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Fwd: TC Meetings in New Orleans

  • 1.  Fwd: TC Meetings in New Orleans

    Posted 03-12-2004 20:08
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    emergency message

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    Subject: Fwd: TC Meetings in New Orleans

    Just got this and wanted to forward off ASAP. I need an exact head 
    count for who will be attending the F2F and whether or not you have 
    booked your room. Just respond to me directly rather than spam the 
    whole group.
    Begin forwarded message:
    > From: "Dee Schur" <dee.schur@oasis-open.org>
    > Date: March 3, 2004 3:32:39 PM EST
    > To: <bill.parducci@overxeer.com>, <hlockhar@bea.com>, 
    > <emergency-tc@earthlink.net>, <daniel@citizencontact.com>, 
    > <Roberto_B_PASCUAL@ida.gov.sg>, <Chet.Ensign@lexisnexis.com>, 
    > "'Michael Weiner'" <mweiner@us.ibm.com>, "Duane Nickull" 
    > <dnickull@adobe.com>, <d.snelling@fle.fujitsu.com>, 
    > <peter_niblett@uk.ibm.com>
    > Subject: FW: TC Meetings in New Orleans