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Fwd: DHS Item on a Standardized NIMS

  • 1.  Fwd: DHS Item on a Standardized NIMS

    Posted 03-03-2004 18:37
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    Subject: Fwd: DHS Item on a Standardized NIMS

    Title: Fwd: DHS Item on a Standardized NIMS
    Hi Folks,

    I am forwarding this because it has some incidental information about ICS. I added the masthead to identify the source from which the info is pulled. I also deleted some material not germane to the specific question of what the status of ICS 201 is and how that will be developed within the DHS. These developments are something we of which we need to be aware as it impacts the approval and the adoption of CAP. (Two different but closely interrelated issues.)


    March 2, 2004Subject: DHS Item

    on a Standardized NIMS
    Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 11:27:17 -0500
    Thread-Topic: DHS Item on a Standardized NIMS
    Thread-Index: AcQAczo77/rpneS0Q+yd3O7Ga8JzVA==
    From: "Tom Merkle" <TMerkle@capwin.org>
    To: <emergency-tc@earthlink.net>,
    "Eliot Christian" <echristi@usgs.gov>,
    "Carl Reed" <creed@opengis.org>,
    "Art Botterell" <acb@incident.com>,
    X-Rcpt-To: <rexb@starbourne.com>
    X-DPOP: Version number supressed
    Status: U
    Latest Developments
    DHS Secretary Announces Standardized Incident Response Plan

    Top Stories
    DHS Secretary Announces Standardized Incident Response Plan
    Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Tom Ridge announced on 1 March the approval of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), "the Nation's first standardized management plan that creates a unified structure for Federal, state, and local lines of government for incident response," a DHS statement said. Making the announcement during an address to the annual meeting of the National Association of Counties, Ridge said, "NIMS gives all of our Nation's [first] responders the same framework for incident management and fully put into practice the concept of, 'One mission, one team, one fight.'" The new national emergency response plan boosts the nation's capabilities by "identifying and integrating core elements and best practices." Key components of the plan include: Incident Command System (ICS), a unified command that establishes fives functional areas for managing all major incidents-command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration-and provides for coordinated efforts as well as joint decisions; NIMS Integration Center (NIC) will provide strategic direction and oversight of the NIMS and develop and facilitate national standards; Joint Information System (JIS) will provide the public with timely and accurate incident information and unified public messages, and will employ Joint Information Centers that bring incident communicators together during an incident. Ridge called NIMS a "common operating picture from which we can all work," adding, "As we developed NIMS, we made sure everyone had a seat at the table. We will call on [local officials] late to execute the game plan," Nation Journal's Technology Daily reported.
    ANALYSIS: NIMS is the latest step in the federal government's goal toward issuing a National Response Plan (NRP), or all-hazards plans. In October 2003, Secretary Ridge announced the approval of the Initial National Response Plan (INRP), a roadmap for developing "a unified approach to domestic incident management" in the U.S. It linked five emergency response plans and established a coordinating structure for emergency response personnel across all levels of government. NIMS, with its standardized incident management processes, protocols and procedures, will support the INRP until the final NRP, which is under development, is completed. Unlike the INRP, which will be replaced, NIMS "will continue to provide the Nation's doctrinal guidance for incident management for acts of terrorism, natural disasters, and other emergencies." Despite Ridge's announcement on NIMS, the system is still not complete, according to Bob Stephen, a special assistant to Ridge, National Journal's Technology Daily reported. While he did not have a specific time for when the plan's guidelines would be finalized, he said once that happened, state and local government would have until 1 October to comply or risk DHS withholding homeland security grants.

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    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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