OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Dashboard using EDXL-SitRep

  • 1.  Dashboard using EDXL-SitRep

    Posted 01-04-2012 02:07
    Hi All- As I mentioned on the call earlier today we have been working on a proof-of-concept dashboard for high level decision makers using EDXL-SitRep.  For those interested take a look here: http://icnet-test.mitre.org/dashboard-1.06/ Although it is still a rough work in progress, this concept was demonstrated on the call of National UASI's and Regional Catastrophic Planning Teams and got a significant amount of interest.  As with all things, we will certainly make the case that it is more about the standards themselves vice the user interface that makes this type of tool happen. Don McGarry The MITRE Corp. dmcgarry@mitre.org (703) 595-9375