OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] CAP and GML

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] CAP and GML

    Posted 08-13-2003 00:14
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] CAP and GML

    All -
    A couple of days ago, Eliot passed on a GML encoding of two EDIS messages. I
    passed the GML code onto Ron Lake, Editor of the OpenGIS GML specification.
    I received the following back:
    HI Carl:
    I looked at the instance quickly. It looks ok - only would recommend
    that they not use <gml:coord> element since it is deprecated in GML 3. I
    did not check all details - but it looks fine - would need the schema to
    see if there are any other problems.
    As Ron appears to be willing to review any GML that we use as examples for
    implementations of the CAP, I would suggest we pass him the schema.
    Also, sorry I missed the conference call today. I had to (very unexpectedly)
    spend the last 36 hours in the hospital.