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Subject: Re: [emergency] Draft TC Letter on HazCollect
sorry - forgot the attachment.
At 05:29 PM 6/13/2006, Elysa Jones wrote:
>Hi TC members,
>Per our telecon today, please find a round 2 draft of a letter to
>NOAA about their implementation of HazCollect. Comment to the list
>on this draft. I would like to schedule a call for the purpose of
>finalizing this letter for 12:30 EDT, Wed. Along with your comments
>let me know of your availability for that call. The EIC meeting
>will begin at 1:00 and I would like to have this letter in final
>form and approved by a majority of our voting membership by that
>time. If you are a voting member and are going to be at the
>meeting, just be there at 12:30 instead of 1:00.
>Elysa Jones, Chair
>Engineering Program Manager
>Warning Systems, Inc.
>PS - EIC meeting 1-3 EDT, Call in details: 712-425-2000 code: 20002#
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