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Subject: Re: NIMS - EDXL Standard Format for Resource Messaging (EDXL_ResourceDraft07152005.doc) uploaded
I just found out that those referenced documents (NIM Documents
NIC-GDL-008 & NIC-GDL-004 & NIC-GDL-007) were draft and are no longer
available. All content is contained in the "NIMS document", which may be
found either on our Dhelp collaboration site, or at the following web
Tim Grapes
DHS Disaster Management
Mount Weather: (540) 542-3239
Mobile: (703) 304-4829
On Thu, July 21, 2005 8:05 pm, Renato Iannella said:
> On 20 Jul 2005, at 23:29, wrote:
>> This document will be broken out and submitted to OASIS as 6 separate
>> standards (not submitted in its current form). The attached document
>> captures the requirements analysis results across the whole ER resource
>> messaging project scope, for consumption by the Emergency Response
>> community
> Are the referenced documents in this draft available (online)?
> Eg:
> - The four Use Examples
> - NIM Documents NIC-GDL-008 & NIC-GDL-004 & NIC-GDL-007
> It is not clear to me why 6 separate standards are required?
> It seems one will suffice that describes the 6 different operations.
> Cheers... Renato Iannella
> National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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