OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-18-2009 15:26
    Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting on Friday Feb 20.

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-18-2009 16:45
    I'd certainly support that.
    At 3:26 PM +0000 2/18/09, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to 
    >continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a 
    >Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting on 
    >Friday Feb 20.
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-18-2009 16:51
    That time would work for me.  I would like to make sure we will have 
    a quorum.  voting members, please post your availability for this meeting.
    At 09:26 AM 2/18/2009, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to 
    >continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a 
    >Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting on 
    >Friday Feb 20.

  • 4.  RE: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-18-2009 16:52
    I am available

  • 5.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-18-2009 18:19
    	I should be available as well.  Regarding the reasons to include/exclude Appendix B, Art provided detailed reasoning for his position on excluding it.  I think it would benefit the TC to hear from someone who is in favour of including it, provide similar reasoning to ensure all opinions are being heard and considered.  There may be some misunderstandings and having this in advance of Friday's meeting could help move this along.

  • 6.  RE: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-18-2009 19:47
    That time works for me also (1:00pm EST Fri 20 Feb).
    Patrick Gannon
    President & COO
    Warning Systems, Inc.
    +1 256 880 8702 x104  (office)
    +1 256 468 4055  (mobile)
    +1 978 458 7478  (home-office)

  • 7.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-19-2009 21:04
    As of now, I have heard from 8 of 14 voting members that they can 
    make a call on Friday 2/20 (tomorrow).  I want to be sure we have not 
    posed a hardship for anyone that wants to attend.
    Since I have not heard from more, I would like to suggest that we 
    have the meeting on Tues which is normally a time when folks have 
    that time blocked  to work on the Profiles SC meeting.  If this is ok 
    with you and no one else voices a complaint, I will schedule the 
    EM-TC meeting for Tuesday Feb 24 at 12:00 EST.
    All members please respond if this time is not good for you.
    Thank you,
    At 09:26 AM 2/18/2009, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to 
    >continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a 
    >Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting on 
    >Friday Feb 20.

  • 8.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-19-2009 23:09
    From a voice not heard in OASIS recently. 
    I can dial in.

  • 9.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-20-2009 14:22
    Wasn't the SC meeting normally at 11am eastern?
    Elysa Jones wrote:
    > Tom,
    > As of now, I have heard from 8 of 14 voting members that they can make a 
    > call on Friday 2/20 (tomorrow).  I want to be sure we have not posed a 
    > hardship for anyone that wants to attend.
    > Since I have not heard from more, I would like to suggest that we have 
    > the meeting on Tues which is normally a time when folks have that time 
    > blocked  to work on the Profiles SC meeting.  If this is ok with you and 
    > no one else voices a complaint, I will schedule the EM-TC meeting for 
    > Tuesday Feb 24 at 12:00 EST.
    > All members please respond if this time is not good for you.
    > Thank you,
    > Elysa
    > At 09:26 AM 2/18/2009, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >> Elysa,
    >> Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to 
    >> continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a 
    >> Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >> I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting on 
    >> Friday Feb 20.
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    > To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    > generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    > https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/my_workgroups.php

  • 10.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-20-2009 14:43
    Yes, It has been scheduled from 11-1 but figure since the TC time is 
    normally 12, that we should go with that.  I am fine to make the 
    change to 11 if you all prefer.  Elysa
    At 08:21 AM 2/20/2009, Bob Bunge wrote:
    >Wasn't the SC meeting normally at 11am eastern?
    >Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>As of now, I have heard from 8 of 14 voting members that they can 
    >>make a call on Friday 2/20 (tomorrow).  I want to be sure we have 
    >>not posed a hardship for anyone that wants to attend.
    >>Since I have not heard from more, I would like to suggest that we 
    >>have the meeting on Tues which is normally a time when folks have 
    >>that time blocked  to work on the Profiles SC meeting.  If this is 
    >>ok with you and no one else voices a complaint, I will schedule the 
    >>EM-TC meeting for Tuesday Feb 24 at 12:00 EST.
    >>All members please respond if this time is not good for you.
    >>Thank you,
    >>At 09:26 AM 2/18/2009, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >>>Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to 
    >>>continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a 
    >>>Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >>>I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting 
    >>>on Friday Feb 20.
    >>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >>generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:

  • 11.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-20-2009 14:52
    I have no preference for the time.
    At 8:43 AM -0600 2/20/09, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >Yes, It has been scheduled from 11-1 but figure since the TC time is 
    >normally 12, that we should go with that.  I am fine to make the 
    >change to 11 if you all prefer.  Elysa
    >At 08:21 AM 2/20/2009, Bob Bunge wrote:
    >>Wasn't the SC meeting normally at 11am eastern?
    >>Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>>As of now, I have heard from 8 of 14 voting members that they can 
    >>>make a call on Friday 2/20 (tomorrow).  I want to be sure we have 
    >>>not posed a hardship for anyone that wants to attend.
    >>>Since I have not heard from more, I would like to suggest that we 
    >>>have the meeting on Tues which is normally a time when folks have 
    >>>that time blocked  to work on the Profiles SC meeting.  If this is 
    >>>ok with you and no one else voices a complaint, I will schedule 
    >>>the EM-TC meeting for Tuesday Feb 24 at 12:00 EST.
    >>>All members please respond if this time is not good for you.
    >>>Thank you,
    >>>At 09:26 AM 2/18/2009, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >>>>Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later 
    >>>>to continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work 
    >>>>to a Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >>>>I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting 
    >>>>on Friday Feb 20.
    >>>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >>>generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    >To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 12.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-20-2009 14:52
    I'm fine with this.
    At 9:21 AM -0500 2/20/09, Bob Bunge wrote:
    >Wasn't the SC meeting normally at 11am eastern?
    >Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>As of now, I have heard from 8 of 14 voting members that they can 
    >>make a call on Friday 2/20 (tomorrow).  I want to be sure we have 
    >>not posed a hardship for anyone that wants to attend.
    >>Since I have not heard from more, I would like to suggest that we 
    >>have the meeting on Tues which is normally a time when folks have 
    >>that time blocked  to work on the Profiles SC meeting.  If this is 
    >>ok with you and no one else voices a complaint, I will schedule the 
    >>EM-TC meeting for Tuesday Feb 24 at 12:00 EST.
    >>All members please respond if this time is not good for you.
    >>Thank you,
    >>At 09:26 AM 2/18/2009, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >>>Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to 
    >>>continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a 
    >>>Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >>>I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting 
    >>>on Friday Feb 20.
    >>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >>generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    >To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670

  • 13.  Re: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-20-2009 16:23
    Yes, the SC meeting is normally from 11-1 EST.  Would it be better 
    for you all to have this meeting begin at 11?  I just used the normal 
    TC time.  Please weigh in if you have a preference. Elysa
    At 08:21 AM 2/20/2009, Bob Bunge wrote:
    >Wasn't the SC meeting normally at 11am eastern?
    >Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>As of now, I have heard from 8 of 14 voting members that they can 
    >>make a call on Friday 2/20 (tomorrow).  I want to be sure we have 
    >>not posed a hardship for anyone that wants to attend.
    >>Since I have not heard from more, I would like to suggest that we 
    >>have the meeting on Tues which is normally a time when folks have 
    >>that time blocked  to work on the Profiles SC meeting.  If this is 
    >>ok with you and no one else voices a complaint, I will schedule the 
    >>EM-TC meeting for Tuesday Feb 24 at 12:00 EST.
    >>All members please respond if this time is not good for you.
    >>Thank you,
    >>At 09:26 AM 2/18/2009, tferrentino@verizon.net wrote:
    >>>Could you please schedule a TC meeting sooner rather than later to 
    >>>continue the work of advancing the Profile subcommittee work to a 
    >>>Committee Draft and on to Public Comment?
    >>>I would like to suggest 1:00 PM EST after the Adoption SC meeting 
    >>>on Friday Feb 20.
    >>To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >>generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:
    >To unsubscribe from this mail list, you must leave the OASIS TC that
    >generates this mail.  Follow this link to all your TCs in OASIS at:

  • 14.  RE: [emergency] CAP-IPAWS Profile

    Posted 02-20-2009 16:30
    Either time is good for me.