OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] Geolocation E911 Patented

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Geolocation E911 Patented

    Posted 07-06-2005 20:49
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Geolocation E911 Patented

    "When ideas are property, only trespassers will have ideas." [(tm) ;-)]
    Sometimes our Patent Office reminds me of a needy child... acting out  
    more and more outrageously until somebody intervenes.
    Fundamentally, of course, the problem is with the somewhat strained  
    metaphor of "intellectual property."  It's original intent was to  
    foster creativity by allowing creators to reap the rewards of their  
    efforts.  But as copyrights and patents have become longer-lived,  
    both in absolute terms and relative to the accelerating rate of  
    change, the tool has turned against the craftsman: Intellectual  
    property claims are becoming a major barrier to creativity.
    Alas, with the bumper-sticker ideology of an "ownership society" so  
    much in vogue right now, it's hard to challenge anything that's  
    called a property right, even when it was only a convention meant to  
    achieve an entirely different goal.
    - Art
    On Jul 6, 2005, at 7/6/05 1:07 PM, Ham, Gary A wrote:
    > Where is the logic that even allows a patent on this concept? It is a
    > realtively simple algorithm that I believe is "prior art" in all kinds
    > of systems. Am I missing something special that they have done?  Or  
    > are
    > they just theives trying to take advantage of the gullible and  
    > foolish?
    > Gary A. Ham
    > Senior Research Scientist
    > Battelle Memorial Institute
    > 540-288-5611 (office)
    > 703-869-6241 (cell)
    > "You would be surprised what you can accomplish when you do not  
    > care who
    > gets the credit." - Harry S. Truman