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Subject: RE: [emergency] Fwd: [chairs] Interop Demo Opportunities
Oops, Sorry Kwasi,
We have to build it first. We just decided to do that in the TC
meeting Tuesday. Uh, geez that was just yesterday. Seems like weeks
ago already.
I volunteered to work on it with Allen and anyone else who pitches
in. It did not even occur to me that it might confuse anyone who
didn't pick up on that during the meeting or in the minutes.
It would be nice if thinking about it made it happen in the blink of
an eye, but darn, it doesn't seem to work that way.
At 5:33 PM -0400 6/2/04, Speede, Kwasi wrote:
>I checked the members page and could not identify the "generic presentation"
>that Rex referred to below. Is this presentation available and if so, from
>where may I download it.
>Thank you,