OASIS Emergency Management TC

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CAP v1.2, reply (LS) from ITU SG-17

  • 1.  CAP v1.2, reply (LS) from ITU SG-17

    Posted 02-11-2014 17:58
    Dear members of the EMTC: 1.  Attached is a new Liaison Statement we received over the weekend from ITU-T, indicating their positive progress with CAP v1.2 (as their "X.1303bis"). 2.  Please note that it attaches a revision of the proposed ASN.1 materials, within the reformatted v1.2, and invites comment. 3.  ITU-'T's Study Group 17 noted that your v1.2 is not fully backward compatible with v1.1 in certain respects.  Generally, it is a concern of theirs that readers who employ a new version of a standard be made aware, and that provisions be made to clearly indicate on the wire which version is in use, when compliance with a new version will require changes that break compliance with an older issued version. Please particularly note the enclosed ITU-formatted reprint's Section 8 (ASN.1), and its Section 8.2 which contains the following note:  "NOTE – Due to the way the XML schema has been changed in CAP 1.2, the ASN.1 module as described in clause 8.3 is not compatible with that of CAP 1.1. The ASN.1 module identifier indicates a version number, although the module identifier may not be communicated through a wire protocol. Implementers of this Recommendation should consider incorporating another mechanism that identifies the version of CAP, e.g., through prior handshake mechanism." If the TC finds that an acceptable resolution / outward advice to provide in light of the backward compatibility limitations, then I believe the OASIS TC and the ITU study group are aligned.   If not, let's talk about what other reply we ought to make. Abbie Barbir, copied here, who is closer to the ITU's review than I, may have further thoughts to share about this outcome.   And our thanks again to Abbie as always, for his service as an agile liaison to help keep the ITU-OASIS cooperation in healthy shape. Cordially  JBC     James Bryce Clark, General Counsel OASIS: Advancing open standards for the information society http://www.oasis-open.org/who/staff.php     Attachment: LS 105.doc Description: MS-Word document Attachment: LS 105- attach X.1303bis (X.cap) TD0955!R2.docx Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
