OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] Cyber Security Alerts from US-CERT

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Cyber Security Alerts from US-CERT

    Posted 02-06-2004 16:06
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [emergency] Cyber Security Alerts from US-CERT

    I believe we should talk with them to ascertain whether to incorporate
    the CERT Alerts into CAP format. 
    At some point in time CAP may need to be broken into a base and volumes
    configuration to support a varying intended audience. CERT is intended
    to notify the IT security groups and others interested in that
    particular type of information. With a separate volume changes may be
    made without impacting the base (core) or other volumes. This approach
    makes change management and risk & impact analysis much easier. Just
    some thoughts to mull over.
    Tom Merkle
    CapWIN:        www.capwin.org 
    Phone:        (301) 614-3720
    Cell Phone:   (240) 375-1966
    Fax:          (301) 614-0581
    e-mail:        tmerkle@capwin.org
    6305 Ivy Lane Suite 300
    Capital Office Park
    Greenbelt, MD 20770