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Subject: Comment #29: Suggested Language
As promised, here an example using the <resource> element. Basically, I
pulled the language in section 1.3.3, 3.2.3, the schema definition in 3.4,
and a modified version of the example from A.1 together with some additional
"usage" language. The resulting language, I think, should appear in section
3.2 - basically replace the table entry for <resource>. The end result, I
feel, is a more cohesive, complete, and comprehensive description of the
element. As you will see, I didn't "add" anything other than just some usage
language that actually pertains in part to issues 7, 8, and 9.
Anyway, beat it up and let me know if you feel like you know more about the
element reading this version.
1.3.3. <resource>
The <resource> segment provides an optional reference to additional
information related to the <info> segment within which it appears in the form
of a digital asset such as an image or audio file.
3.2.3. "resource" Element and Sub-elements
Element Name: resource
Context.Class.Attribute.Representation: cap.alertInfoResource.
Definition and (Optionality): The container for all component parts of the
resource sub-element of the info sub-element of the alert element (optional)
Notes or Value Domain: (1) Refers to an additional file with supplemental
information related to this <info> element; e.g., an image or audio file (2)
Multiple occurrences permitted within a single <info> block
The <resource> element provides an optional, but repeatable reference to
additional information related to its parent <info> structure. These
resources are in the form of a digital asset, such as an image, audio, text
file, etc..
Schema Defintion-----------------------------
<element name="resource" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element name="resourceDesc" type="string"/>
<element name="mimeType" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="size" type="integer" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="uri" type="anyURI" minOccurs="0"/>
<element name="digest" type="string" minOccurs="0"/>
The element contains five child elements. Together, these elements represent
a mechanism to provide a human description of the type of content
(<resourceDesc>), the mime type (<mimeType>), the file size in bytes
(<size>), the location (<uri>), and a digital digest/hash (<digest>)
calculated using the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1), FIPS Publication 180-1,
of the resource. With the exception of <resourceDesc>, all child elements are
optional, however, alerts SHOULD provide a value for <mimeType> and <size> if
known. This helps facilitate the transmission and relaying of alerts across
various bandwidth, transport, and communication network scenarios.
<resourceDesc>Image file (GIF)</resourceDesc>
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