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Subject: Re: [emergency] Fwd: Messaging Standards Meeting Report
Friends -
For the record I want to challenge two inflated
claims that appear in that meeting report:
>DM approached OASIS and requested that OASIS
>change its standardization process to meet DM's
>needs and OASIS agreed.
OASIS has not changed its process in any way
intended to meet DM's needs. Nor has this TC
departed from that process. All this TC agreed
to do was accept submissions from DM and the EIC
as a basis for standard-making efforts, in
exactly the same way it accepted the PPW
submission of requirements and a draft for CAP
two years earlier.
>DM and the EIC created CAP because public safety
>practitioners emphasized that they could not
>share information.
Neither DM nor the EIC created CAP. Neither
group's involvement began until CAP was brought
into the OASIS standards process, by which time
it was already at version 0.7 and reflected two
years' documented prior effort, including
prototyping and field trials, by the CAP Working
Group and the Partnership for Public Warning
among others. And even then, DM was only one
member of this Technical Committee.
Nor is information sharing among public safety
practitioners the primary purpose of CAP. From
the beginning the goal of CAP has been to
translate scientific research on the
effectiveness of public warnings into a usable
standard for the dissemination and coordination
of such warnings. (Specifically, CAP's origins
and structure can be traced back to the
recommendations of the "Effective Disaster
Warnings" report issued by the National Science
and Technology Council in November, 2000.)
Information sharing among practitioners is the
goal of EDXL, not CAP.
These misrepresentations trouble me, not only
because they disregard the selfless contributions
of a number of people and groups over several
years, but because they suggest a self-serving
disregard for accuracy that puts the entire
document in question.
- Art
At 8:45 PM -0600 3/1/05, Elysa Jones wrote:
>This forwarded email and attachments is a
>summary of the work done during the Feb 16-17
>meeting in Washington, DC referenced in the
>EM-TC minutes of 2/22/05. Elysa Jones EM-TC
>Chair represented the work we are doing in
>OASIS. Other TC members were also present:
>Michael Daconta, Tom Merkle, Paul Embley, and
>Sukamar Dwarkankanath.
>>From: "Hines, Chip" <>
>>To: "Hines, Chip" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
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>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
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>> "''" <>,
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>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>,
>> "''" <>
>>Cc: "''" <>
>>Subject: Messaging Standards Meeting Report
>>Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 17:44:16 -0500
>>X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2657.72)
>>X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
>>X-NAS-Classification: 0
>>X-NAS-MessageID: 23373
>>X-NAS-Validation: {4FFF9F5B-0862-47C2-858F-59F6F684AC80}
>>Dear Participants,
>>We want to take this opportunity to thank you
>>for your extremely valuable input and your
>>commitment to coordinate efforts in the
>>development of messaging standards. We
>>appreciate your time, energy, and contributions
>>throughout the course of the event and look
>>forward to collaborating with you at the next
>>messaging standards meeting.
>>Your participation in the messaging meeting
>>held on February 16-17, 2005 created the
>>momentum needed to bring together other
>>standards developing organizations in order to
>>reach our mutual goal of increasing information
>>sharing. From the presentations, where you
>>shared what your organizations are working on,
>>to the Principles and Points of Agreement,
>>where you reached consensus about what steps
>>must be taken next in order to increase
>>information sharing, your contributions will
>>have a long-term impact on the messaging
>>standards effort.
>>We hope to sustain the momentum and energy
>>created in this meeting by calling on your
>>expertise and experience to help develop and
>>implement the messaging standards initiative.
>>We would also ask for your help to provide
>>input about which other organizations involved
>>with messaging and data dictionaries standards
>>should be invited to the next meeting.
>>Attached to this document are the meeting
>>report, a list of potential organizations to
>>involve in this ongoing effort, and a list of
>>draft definitions for conflicting vocabulary.
>>Please provide contact information you may have
>>for the proposed organizations, along with
>>upgrades to the draft definitions. Your
>>comments and feedback concerning the report are
>>also welcome. A zip file containing
>>presentations given at the meeting will be sent
>>by Ashley Baker. Please send all questions and
>>comments to myself or Ashley at
>>We look forward to working with you all in the
>>future, and again thank you for your
>>Chip Hines
>>Program Manager
>>Disaster Management eGov Initiative
>>Office of the Chief Information Officer
>>Emergency Preparedness and Response/FEMA
>>Department of Homeland Security
>>(202) 646-3115
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Organizations
>for fut#BF7B5.xls (XLS4/XCEL) (000BF7B5)
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Vocabulary to
>Define.doc (WDBN/�IC�) (000BF7B6)
>Attachment converted: Macintosh HD:Messaging
>Standards R#BF7B7.doc (WDBN/�IC�) (000BF7B7)
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