OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-26-2007 14:13


    COM17-LS179-Attcht11.doc   369 KB 1 version
    COM17-LS179-Attcht21.doc   165 KB 1 version

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-26-2007 15:22
    Hi Elysa, All,
    The best I can do is to look at 2 as much as I am 
    able. I am in the last all-day face-to-face 
    SOA-RA meeting via teleconference today and I 
    have another meeting either late today (4:00 p.m. 
    my time) or tomorrow morning, so Friday 
    afternoon-evening is best for me.
    At 9:12 AM -0500 4/26/07, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >Dear TC Members,
    >As we were busy with our face to face meeting 
    >last week the ITU folks were busy working on 
    >integrating our CAP 1.1 Standard into their 
    >format and process.  They produced two 
    >recommendations that are attached for your 
    >The first is to be an exact representation of 
    >our existing CAP 1.1 Standard in the ITU 
    >Recommendation format.  They were required by 
    >their guidelines and process to make changes to 
    >some of the normative references we used.  Other 
    >than that it is supposed to be a match.  The 
    >second attachment is a recommendation for the 
    >addition of ASN.1 encoding.
    >The ITU team has requested that we respond by 
    >May 1 on these recommendations.  I have been 
    >working with OASIS Staff to consider how to move 
    >forward as expeditiously as possible.  Different 
    >members of the staff are working to ensure we 
    >follow the proper IPR, process, etc.  For 
    >example, ASN.1 needs to be "contributed" to 
    >OASIS for this purpose.
    >If we agree as a TC that this is indeed a 
    >complete and correct description of our Standard 
    >and we agree to accept the ASN.1 encoding that 
    >it is technically equivalent to our Standard, 
    >and therefore non-substantive, we could process 
    >this document through the OASIS process as an 
    >errata.  This appears to be the most efficient 
    >way to proceed given the OASIS process.
    >The changes to the normative references need to 
    >be studied in some detail.  It has also been 
    >noted that in ITU recommendation that in the 
    >DOM, Response Type is not specified correctly. 
    >It is, however, correct in their Data 
    >Dictionary.  They did not have the benefit of 
    >the correction to "assess".  As you recall, we 
    >listed "assess" in our data dictionary but it 
    >was not listed in the schema and we have already 
    >prepared errata document for that (thanks to 
    >Patti and Rex).  This errata has been voted on 
    >by the TC but not yet submitted for 15-day 
    >public comment.
    >Since there is already one noted discrepancy in 
    >the ITU recommendation (between their DOM and 
    >data dictionary), I am hopeful that they will 
    >make this minor correction as well as the one 
    >for "assess" and we can move forward without 
    >them having to go through another recommendation 
    >cycle.  I think we are all in agreement that it 
    >would be best if these Standards can track 
    >directly and do not splinter.
    >With there only being less than a week for us to 
    >meet their requested response time, I am hopeful 
    >that all of you will take a good hard look at 
    >these changes and post any questions/comments to 
    >the list.  If we break this task up into pieces, 
    >it may help.  The more eyes the better.
    >1.  Read/compare documents word for word and list any discrepancies
    >2.  Study the normative references to be sure they are correct
    >3.  Validate the ASN.1 notation is a correct 
    >representation and technically equivalent to the 
    >XML schema
    >Jamie Clark and I are doing #1, others please 
    >join in.  Could a couple of you agree to comb 
    >through the references and compare?  Is there 
    >one or more of our members who are (or have 
    >access to someone that is)  ASN.1 knowledgeable 
    >that can verify the ASN schema, please identify 
    >yourself and work this part.
    >Please respond to this note with your 
    >willingness to take on a task, then we can start 
    >a discussion list on each task.  Also with your 
    >response, let me know 2 or 3 times when you 
    >would be available for a telecon to discuss over 
    >the next few days.  I suggest we schedule one 
    >for either Thurs or Fri evening when Renato and 
    >Karen might be available and possibly one for 
    >Sunday or Monday evening.  We have a normally 
    >scheduled TC meeting on Tues, May 1 where we can 
    >do any final voting that may be necessary. 
    >Other suggestions welcomed.
    >In the interest of public safety worldwide, 
    >let's take this time to get this work complete! 
    >However, let's make sure it is correct.  Thanks 
    >to all of you and your hard work and 
    >Warm regards,
    >Elysa Jones, Chair
    >Program Manager
    >Warning Systems, Inc.
    >256-880-8702 x102
    >256-694-8702 (cell)
    >Attachment converted: Macintosh 
    >HD:COM17-LS179-Attcht11.doc (WDBN/«IC») 
    >Attachment converted: Macintosh 
    >HD:COM17-LS179-Attcht21.doc (WDBN/«IC») 
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

  • 3.  CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation - TC Task 2 - References

    Posted 04-26-2007 16:19
    Hey Rex,  Thanks so much for having a look at the 
    references.  Note, I have changed this thread to 
    be the Task 2 - References discussion. Elysa
    At 10:21 AM 4/26/2007, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >Hi Elysa, All,
    >The best I can do is to look at 2 as much as I 
    >am able. I am in the last all-day face-to-face 
    >SOA-RA meeting via teleconference today and I 
    >have another meeting either late today (4:00 
    >p.m. my time) or tomorrow morning, so Friday afternoon-evening is best for me.
    >At 9:12 AM -0500 4/26/07, Elysa Jones wrote:
    >>Dear TC Members,
    >>As we were busy with our face to face meeting 
    >>last week the ITU folks were busy working on 
    >>integrating our CAP 1.1 Standard into their 
    >>format and process.  They produced two 
    >>recommendations that are attached for your review.
    >>The first is to be an exact representation of 
    >>our existing CAP 1.1 Standard in the ITU 
    >>Recommendation format.  They were required by 
    >>their guidelines and process to make changes to 
    >>some of the normative references we 
    >>used.  Other than that it is supposed to be a 
    >>match.  The second attachment is a 
    >>recommendation for the addition of ASN.1 encoding.
    >>The ITU team has requested that we respond by 
    >>May 1 on these recommendations.  I have been 
    >>working with OASIS Staff to consider how to 
    >>move forward as expeditiously as 
    >>possible.  Different members of the staff are 
    >>working to ensure we follow the proper IPR, 
    >>process, etc.  For example, ASN.1 needs to be 
    >>"contributed" to OASIS for this purpose.
    >>If we agree as a TC that this is indeed a 
    >>complete and correct description of our 
    >>Standard and we agree to accept the ASN.1 
    >>encoding that it is technically equivalent to 
    >>our Standard, and therefore non-substantive, we 
    >>could process this document through the OASIS 
    >>process as an errata.  This appears to be the 
    >>most efficient way to proceed given the OASIS process.
    >>The changes to the normative references need to 
    >>be studied in some detail.  It has also been 
    >>noted that in ITU recommendation that in the 
    >>DOM, Response Type is not specified correctly. 
    >>It is, however, correct in their Data 
    >>Dictionary.  They did not have the benefit of 
    >>the correction to "assess".  As you recall, we 
    >>listed "assess" in our data dictionary but it 
    >>was not listed in the schema and we have 
    >>already prepared errata document for that 
    >>(thanks to Patti and Rex).  This errata has 
    >>been voted on by the TC but not yet submitted for 15-day public comment.
    >>Since there is already one noted discrepancy in 
    >>the ITU recommendation (between their DOM and 
    >>data dictionary), I am hopeful that they will 
    >>make this minor correction as well as the one 
    >>for "assess" and we can move forward without 
    >>them having to go through another 
    >>recommendation cycle.  I think we are all in 
    >>agreement that it would be best if these 
    >>Standards can track directly and do not splinter.
    >>With there only being less than a week for us 
    >>to meet their requested response time, I am 
    >>hopeful that all of you will take a good hard 
    >>look at these changes and post any 
    >>questions/comments to the list.  If we break 
    >>this task up into pieces, it may help.  The more eyes the better.
    >>1.  Read/compare documents word for word and list any discrepancies
    >>2.  Study the normative references to be sure they are correct
    >>3.  Validate the ASN.1 notation is a correct 
    >>representation and technically equivalent to the XML schema
    >>Jamie Clark and I are doing #1, others please 
    >>join in.  Could a couple of you agree to comb 
    >>through the references and compare?  Is there 
    >>one or more of our members who are (or have 
    >>access to someone that is)  ASN.1 knowledgeable 
    >>that can verify the ASN schema, please identify yourself and work this part.
    >>Please respond to this note with your 
    >>willingness to take on a task, then we can 
    >>start a discussion list on each task.  Also 
    >>with your response, let me know 2 or 3 times 
    >>when you would be available for a telecon to 
    >>discuss over the next few days.  I suggest we 
    >>schedule one for either Thurs or Fri evening 
    >>when Renato and Karen might be available and 
    >>possibly one for Sunday or Monday evening.  We 
    >>have a normally scheduled TC meeting on Tues, 
    >>May 1 where we can do any final voting that may 
    >>be necessary. Other suggestions welcomed.
    >>In the interest of public safety worldwide, 
    >>let's take this time to get this work complete! 
    >>However, let's make sure it is correct.  Thanks 
    >>to all of you and your hard work and contributions.
    >>Warm regards,
    >>Elysa Jones, Chair
    >>Program Manager
    >>Warning Systems, Inc.
    >>256-880-8702 x102
    >>256-694-8702 (cell)
    >>Attachment converted: Macintosh 
    >>HD:COM17-LS179-Attcht11.doc (WDBN/«IC») (001FC888)
    >>Attachment converted: Macintosh 
    >>HD:COM17-LS179-Attcht21.doc (WDBN/«IC») (001FC889)
    >Rex Brooks
    >President, CEO
    >Starbourne Communications Design
    >GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    >Berkeley, CA 94702
    >Tel: 510-849-2309

  • 4.  Re: CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation - TC Task 2 - References

    Posted 04-27-2007 15:11
      |   view attached

  • 5.  Re: [emergency] Re: CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation - TC Task 2 - References

    Posted 04-30-2007 01:06
    On 28 Apr 2007, at 01:11, Rex Brooks wrote:
    > Mime Types which we specify in the DOM but do not call out every  
    > time it is required in the data dictionary is another example.  
    > Also, for Mime Types, we cite RFC 1521 and ITU cites RFC 2046-1996.  
    > I don't know how we should handle this. They explicitly cite XML  
    > Signature and Emcyrption specs from W3C, which we don't.
    CAP 1.1 was changed to RFC2046 (from RFC1521) so both are the same.
    Cheers...  Renato Iannella

  • 6.  RE: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-26-2007 20:35
    Hi all,
    I have joined the TC today.
    I can handle the ASN.1-related task below.

  • 7.  RE: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-26-2007 20:49
    Hi Alessandro, Thanks so much for joining the fray, welcome.  Please 
    see the current list discussion Subject:  CAP 1.1 Standard and  ITU-T 
    Recommendation - TC Task 3 (ASN.1) where a lively discussion is underway.
    At 03:32 PM 4/26/2007, Alessandro Triglia wrote:
    >Hi all,
    >I have joined the TC today.
    >I can handle the ASN.1-related task below.
    > > 

  • 8.  RE: [emergency] CAP 1.1 Standard and ITU-T Recommendation

    Posted 04-26-2007 21:56