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RE: [emergency] FW: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword to contentObject

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] FW: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword to contentObject

    Posted 01-30-2006 18:21
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    Subject: RE: [emergency] FW: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword to contentObject

    Title: RE: [emergency] FW: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword to contentObject
    Actually that business rule got changed along the way. As it stands now, each DE can have 0 or more Content Objects, and each Content Object can have 0 or more payloads.
    I personally think is should be each DE can have 1 or more Content Objects, and each Content Object must have exactly one payload. IMHO

    From: Tim Grapes [mailto:tgrapes@evolutiontechinc.com]
    Sent: Mon 1/30/2006 8:12 AM
    To: 'Rex Brooks'; Aymond, Patti; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: RE: [emergency] FW: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword to contentObject


    Just to make sure we are clear, the incidentID and Description are already
    included in the ContentObject as optional.  Being optional, an incident may
    or may not be related to the content, and the spec contains a business rule
    that each DE may contain only one content object.

    Mark is suggesting addition of an optional incidentKeyword to classify the
    incident, which is not a complicated request.  I think the decision really
    comes down to where we draw the line and get the DE published, and where we
    begin considering additional requests for the next version.


    Tim Grapes
    Evolution Technologies, Inc.
    Disaster Management egov Initiative
    Science and Technology Directorate/OIC
    Department of Homeland Security
    Office:  (703) 654-6075
    Mobile:  (703) 304-4829

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
    Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 5:04 PM
    To: Aymond, Patti; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    Subject: Re: [emergency] FW: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword to

    Hi Folks,

    However, good a suggestion it might seem, I'm not
    sure the contentObject requires an incidentID,
    since it might not be related to any specific
    incident, or it might refer to several
    simultaneous incidents, and figuring this out is
    not going to be a trivial task.


    At 11:37 AM -0600 1/27/06, Aymond, Patti wrote:
    >Forwarding message from Mark CarlsonŠ
    >Patti Iles Aymond, PhD
    >Senior Scientist
    >Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response
    >Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.
    >Managing Risk in a Complex World
    >8555 United Plaza Blvd.   Suite 100
    >Baton Rouge, LA 70809
    >(225) 952-8228 (phone)
    >(225) 952-8122 (fax)
    >From: Mark Carlson - Conneva, Inc. [mailto:conneva@gmail.com]
    >Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:37 AM
    >To: Aymond, Patti
    >Subject: Fwd: Suggestion: Add incidentKeyword to contentObject
    >I tried sending this message to the group, but
    >the list server rejected my message.  Could you
    >forward, please?
    >I'm quite sure everyone is hoping for no more
    >changes to the EDXL-DE schema at this point.
    >However, as I have begun to work with the
    >schema in our resourcing prototype, I have
    >observed that while there are incidentID and
    >incidentDescription elements in the
    >contentObject, there is no provision to classify
    >the incident using a valueListURN/value pair.
    >This would seem to be necessary for consistency.
    >In other words, if it is a good idea to have an
    >incidentDescription and incidentID in the
    >contentObject, there should also be an optional
    >incidentKeyword to classify the incident.
    >Mark Carlson

    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

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