OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Final editorial corrections?

  • 1.  Final editorial corrections?

    Posted 03-31-2004 18:03
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Final editorial corrections?

    Friends -
    As we prepare to finalize the CAP 1.0 document as an OASIS Standard, 
    would everyone please take one last look at the draft and see if 
    there are any final editorial corrections we should make?
    I'm not talking about reopening any substantive debates, past or 
    pending.  I'm only talking about one last scan for minor 
    typographical errors or clarifications that won't change the 
    substance of the document as adopted.
    In particular... and we should discuss this if anyone sees a 
    problem... I wonder if we might be able to agree on a formulation of 
    the schema that achieves the intent of the "Gary Rule" in a more 
    generally compatible way.  Again, I'm not suggesting that the 
    substance of CAP 1.0 is up for debate again, but if we can express 
    what we agreed upon in more technically compatible way, seems like 
    that might be worth doing now.
    My suggestion would be that we handle these final editorial tweaks on 
    a "without objection" basis... that is, if anyone objects to a 
    proposed correction we'll let the current text stand.  Clearly this 
    needs to be done quickly, so I'd like to request that everyone 
    propose any corrections in this list prior to next week's TC call.
    - Art

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