OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] Final editorial corrections?

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Final editorial corrections?

    Posted 03-31-2004 21:15
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Final editorial corrections?

    At this point, we do not need to hurry and resolve this issue, as there  
    is no hard date (that I am aware of) for publication of an approved  
    OASIS Standard. Plus, the TC Admin has 7 days to announce the result of  
    the voting anyway. Jamie had offered last week to sit on our call next  
    week, to which I welcomed. We can sort out the process then, so please  
    hold tight on calling for them.
    That aside, and to provide some clarity to what changes can happen, I  
    will point the group to the following quote from the TC Guidelines:
    "After approval of the specification as an OASIS Standard the TC must  
    prepare the final version for publication. Usually this would involve  
    changing only the title page to reflect the new status of the document.  
    There must not be any substantive or normative changes made to the  
    specification. The document must be renamed according to the OASIS file  
    naming scheme and submitted to the TC Admin for publication. The TC may  
    create a non-normative errata document, but no normative changes may be  
    made to the specification; making normative changes will require  
    sending the specification through the approval process."
    The key word here that helps to quantify, but not necessary encompass  
    100%, when you have to go back through the process is the word  
    "normative." The XSD, for instance, would be normative, so according  
    the Guidelines we can not change that without going back through the  
    process. I am referring to the anonymous simpleType issue here. I will  
    defer to Jamie regarding any latitude or misinterpretation there.
    On Mar 31, 2004, at 3:37 PM, Bob Wyman wrote:
    > Art Botterell wrote:
    >> Sorry, Bob... I'd been advised by an experienced
    >> source (in fact, I believe it was you) that final
    >> non-substantive editorial corrections to a standards
    >> document are normally permitted prior to publication.
    > 	When we spoke, my comments were made based on experience with
    > standards groups in general rather than specific knowledge of the
    > OASIS process. My reading of the OASIS process leads me to believe
    > that OASIS has explicitly prohibited corrections to documents once the
    > "member approval" voting process begins. If corrections are to be
    > made, I think you should get a formal opinion on this from the OASIS
    > leadership.
    > 	Also, please note that the distinction between changes which
    > are "substantive" and those which are "non-substantive" is often the
    > source of considerable debate...
    > 		bob wyman
    >>    "Errata or Corrigenda to a submission are not permitted;
    >>     if changes are required the Committee Draft must be
    >>     withdrawn by the TC, edited, re-approved as a Committee
    >>     Draft, then resubmitted."
    > To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster  
    > of the OASIS TC), go to  
    > http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency/members/ 
    > leave_workgroup.php.
    R. Allen Wyke
    Chair, OASIS Emergency Management TC

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