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Subject: Re: [emergency] Groups - Draft Meeting Notes 12-27-2005.doc uploaded
The meeting notes say:
"The key change is that the ANY element has been put back in. With
the addition of the choice statement, signatures will no longer
automatically work. The ANY element will be required at the end of a
sequence in order to sign a content object."
I could not see the "ANY" element in the new XSD released - can
someone explain it purpose?
I also do not understand where it says that "signatures will no
longer automatically work"
How is this? and what does it mean by "automatically"?
(NOTE: my impression is that XML Signatures can apply to any XML
construct and that there is no
need for a "signature" element - as you will get one of these from
XML Signature anyway)
The meeting notes say:
"Renato’s issue is the only one remaining"
I assume you are referring to the issue of having BOTH keyXMLContent
and embeddedXMLContent elements?
Cheers... Renato Iannella
National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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