OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] OJP requirement to use the jxdm

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] OJP requirement to use the jxdm

    Posted 07-27-2004 11:42
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] OJP requirement to use the jxdm

    Gary makes a good point... although I wouldn't go so far as to say 
    CAP 1.0 is "not in any way consistent" since the CAP 0.7 data items 
    are included in the JXDD draft.  However, we do need to let them know 
    that the 1.0 items are available for an update.
    Anyone here working directly with the DoJ folks on this?  If not, 
    I'll take the action to give the feedback.
    - Art
    At 5:29 AM +0100 7/27/04, Poindexter, Gary wrote:
    >Please excuse my potential ignorance, I watch this TC with interest 
    >but participate sparingly.
    >A couple assumptions:
    >1) EM projects are sometimes funded by the OJP.
    >2) The CAP 1.0 proposal is not in any way consistent with the 
    >Justice XML Data Dictionary model (jxdm). I believe this was 
    >discussed at some point in the past and efficiency was chosen as a 
    >higher priority than the sometimes massive and inefficient schemas 
    >developed using the jxdm.
    >If these assumptions are true, members of this TC need to review and 
    >comment (to OJP) on the contents of the page at 
    >http://it.ojp.gov/topic.jsp?topic_id=138 and most importantly the 
    >statement at the bottom of the page which reads:
    >"All recipients of Office of Justice Programs (OJP) grants for 
    >projects implementing XML technology are required to use the Global 
    >Justice XML Data Model and publish all XML schemas resulting from 
    >use of the Model in the Justice Standards Clearinghouse (JSC) 
    >located at http://www.it.ojp.gov/jsc. This requirement is stipulated 
    >as a Special Condition to their grant that is referred to as a 
    >Common Exchange Standard."
    >If my assumptions are correct, the impact of this requirement could 
    >be great and negative.
    >gary poindexter
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