OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Sensors and Systems Charter Starting Point

  • 1.  Sensors and Systems Charter Starting Point

    Posted 07-14-2005 15:30
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Sensors and Systems Charter Starting Point

    Hi Folks,
    I sent this out as a start on a Charter for Sensors and Systems with 
    a promise to expand on it to Michelle and Dave, Tuesday. I haven't 
    gotten back to it, so I am sending it along now.
    >As a statement of purpose I offer the following only as a point of
    >departure, a point to start from.
    >"The purpose of the Sensors and Systems Subcommittee is to survey
    >existing standards, determine if they are sufficient for Emergency
    >Management TC purposes, and recommend how to use them, or, if we
    >determine that they are insufficient, recommend what the requirements
    >for a sufficient specification are, and a plan to create said
    >specification or form a necessary liaison with the group we determine
    >is better able to create it, so that the requirements we determine
    >are met."
    >I think it would be just as valid to say that we should determine
    >requirements first, then see if those are met be existing
    >specifications, I just thought it was shorter to imply that and only
    >state it in the case that the existing specifications prove
    >insufficient. However, we are likely to look at existing specs first
    >anyway just to see what other groups have set out as requirements. I
    >tend to think of requirements as scope, but I am also perfectly
    willing to adjust that, too.
    Dave is in San Diego on work trip and may or may not be able to join 
    in. Haven't heard from Michelle.
    Tom Merkle is also out on work related meetings, so I can speak for 
    Infrastructure, too.
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-849-2309

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