OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] Implementation Guide Outline

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Implementation Guide Outline

    Posted 06-06-2004 16:53
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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Implementation Guide Outline

    Title: Re: [emergency] Implementation Guide Outline
    Thanks, Andre,

    I will see if we can put this on the agenda for the next EM-Msg meeting, Tuesday, June 8. I am buried in grant proposal writing with a June 9, deadline, so I can't commit to doing this myself. However, if I can, I will.


    At 11:15 AM -0400 6/6/04, andre wrote:
    For the implementation guide does the group see a need for section that would provide guidance and examples on integrating other groups standards, application or content within a CAP message. This would be the equivalent to a CAP binding and profile. For example the OASIS standard on Application Vulnerability provides the ability to create a uniform way of describing application security vulnerabilities. How could such a message be incorporated within a CAP message. I am sure that there are others as well derived from our Category element. This would ensure that CAP is used correctly and provide further examples on its usage.
    Does the group also see a need to perhaps provide alternative representations of the CAP standard. We currently use XSD Schema but other standards are also in use such as RELAX NG an OASIS standard. RELAX NG and others (RELAX NG Compact, Schematron for example) are gaining in popularity and may meet the needs of certain implementers. Please find enclosed a RELAX NG first version of the CAP standard.