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Issue #14: Potential Errata Clarification

  • 1.  Issue #14: Potential Errata Clarification

    Posted 07-14-2004 19:27
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Issue #14: Potential Errata Clarification

    Jeff - thanx for the input, as I see better what you mean (while I 
    still claim to be no geo expert). Essentially it boils down to 
    correcting the last sentence in Section 3.3.1 from currently saying:
    "Coordinates in the Southern and Western hemispheres are signed 
    negative with a leading dash."
    To instead say...
    "Latitudes in the southern hemisphere and Longitudes in the western 
    hemisphere are signed negative with a leading dash."
    As such, I am changing my own opinion to include this as errata and 
    support your proposed language. We obviously need more than myself to 
    agree, so if there is any other input/guidance (Carl???) from the group 
    then please reply. If what Jeff proposes more accurately reflects our 
    intension, then we should change it.
    On Jul 13, 2004, at 2:27 PM, Jeff Kyser wrote:
    > On Tuesday, July 13, 2004, at 12:05  PM, R. Allen Wyke wrote:
    >> 2. CAP Errata: Elysa sent email 
    >> (http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/emergency/200407/msg00002.html) 
    >> outlining the details for Issues #13 - #18. Discussed them in meeting 
    >> as follows:
    >> #14: Invalid issue - there can be negatives.
    > I'm guessing that Bob Wyman's original post was not
    > understood.
    > Perhaps if the sentence in question read:
    > 	Latitudes in the southern hemisphere and
    > 	Longitudes in the western hemisphere are
    > 	signed negative with a leading dash.
    > he would have been happy, and the sentence
    > would be correct.
    > As it now reads, it is confusing. 'Coordinates' is
    > really another way of saying 'Coordinate Pairs'.
    > Negative 'Coordinate Pairs' does not make sense.
    > And if it is not assumed to be 'Coordinate Pairs',
    > then it is still incorrect or at least ambiguous as written,
    > since there are longitudes in the southern hemisphere that
    > are positive and there are latitudes in the western
    > hemisphere that are positive.
    > regards,
    > -jeff

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