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Re: [emergency] IFSC was: RE: [emergency-msg] Any word from Jamie?Notes.

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] IFSC was: RE: [emergency-msg] Any word from Jamie?Notes.

    Posted 08-18-2004 17:47
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] IFSC was: RE: [emergency-msg] Any word from Jamie?Notes.

    I don't believe anything will be gained by passing titles around. We 
    need to produce something concrete as a group and people need to step up 
    to the plate.
    As other folks have said, there are 3 things to cover -
    1. completing the 'transport models' document
    I believe the current document on current infrastructures and standards 
    capable of supporting and transmitting CAP should be shelled out and a 
    end-date set for a first revision. Once existing mechanisms are 
    documented we can look at what is missing, which I believe maps to #2 below.
    The nebulous of 'what could be used in the future' is an unattainable 
    goal and should be dropped from the document.
    I've given input, Rex plans to, who else can? And what is the end date? 
    I would think we could do a draft by next week or the week after. I am 
    willing to finish the document if people at least get some discussion 
    going on the list with defined frameworks, protocols they use, and 
    method for translating CAP to it, or if not - implications of use. We 
    should point to specific standards, implementations, and information - 
    no nebulous data.
    This document should provide a baseline for people taking CAP and 
    wanting to transmit it on a given medium - 'what protocols and format 
    should I use for my infrastructure?'. I would think that this would also 
    help facilitate and accelerate interoperability.
    2. art's edxl framework & fema/eic wrapper model
    #1 and #3 can provide some good building blocks for helping to define 
    this or some other cap-specific transport transform protocol or layer, 
    be that related or not. Right now we have no ground to stand on, so I 
    don't see how we can provide well-informed input into this process 
    without at least some notion of #1 and #3.
    3. registries, identity, and security reccomendations
    This should follow from #1, with mapping between protocols and 
    transports and what security methodologies best work on them (i.e. RSA 
    and symmetric key encryption for one-way). Once again, no 
    vaporware/nebulous standards.
    I would think that there would be a specific demarcation between the 
    security methodologies and the registry/identity management 
    reccomendations, since there is in many cases a 1-n mapping of 
    management to delivery.
    All of these need a best practices section for each subsection, so that 
    where in doubt people can make a well-calculated decision on how to 
    implement their delivery systems.
    Well that's my 2c - any suggestions from other folks?
    Tom Merkle wrote:
    > Kon,
    > Since you seem to have an idea on where the IF SC needs to go, I invite
    > you to take my position as IF SC co-chair. I have never been associated
    > with a black-hole standards group and it is not my intention to start
    > now.  

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