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INRP and Enterprise Architecture

  • 1.  INRP and Enterprise Architecture

    Posted 10-13-2003 00:52
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    Subject: INRP and Enterprise Architecture

    Couple of significant announcements out of DHS this week that should be of interest to us...
    Initial National Response Plan (http://www.dhs.gov/dhspublic/display?content=1935): "...The Initial National Response Plan strengthens America's emergency response process by harmonizing existing Federal response plan activities with incident management leadership responsibilities assigned by President Bush to Secretary Ridge through Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5.......In addition to the new emergency planning measures established by the INRP, the Department of Homeland Security and responders from around the Nation continue development of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), which will create additional standardized coordination procedures for incident managers.  A final National Response Plan is under development and will eventually replace the INRP...."
    Enterprise Architecture (http://www.fcw.com/fcw/articles/2003/1006/web-dhs-10-08-03.asp): "...The current architecture lacks depth, Cooper told lawmakers, but officials have already begun work on a second to fill in the gaps and detail more systems and projects. Cooper called the approach "an inch deep and a mile wide," working down from DHS' overall mission. Officials have also identified about a dozen "quick hit" projects, which they have already begun to consolidate, such as e-training and network integration...."
    As a side note, I have exchanged some emails with Steve Cooper (CIO of DHS) and they expect to release the first version to industry shortly for comment.

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