OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  The IPAWS Profile Draft

    Posted 12-12-2008 22:17
    Well, right out of the chute I can see we've got a lot of work to do.  
    It seems, for openers (on page 2), that what DHS has in mind isn't an
    integrated profile at all, but rather a requirement to use multiple,
    delivery-system-specific Info blocks.  They propose that we start with a
    minimum of three parallel blocks... one tailored for EAS, another for
    HazCollect (weather radio), yet another for cellular... and then add
    additional info blocks for additional delivery systems.
    That is, of course, completely at odds with the basic concept of CAP
    interoperability.  The whole point of a CAP message is that a single
    input can trigger multiple outputs in a consistent fashion.  Requiring
    originators to generate three or more separate, redundant versions of a
    single message is an invitation to inconsistency and places an onerous
    and unnecessary burden on message originators.
    At the same time DHS has gone way past the point of providing us with
    requirements here.  What we have instead is a technical specification
    accompanied by a requirement (section 4.3, Table 1, item 1) that "a
    developed and agreed-to CAP v1.1 Profile and resulting Schema MUST
    adhere to the requirements contained herein."  Depending on how the
    words "herein" and "requirements" in that sentence are interpreted, that
    could be read as meaning we have no choice but to endorse the DHS design
    as-is.  Obviously that would be unacceptable and I'm sure that's not
    what DHS intended.
    This is why the closed nature of the DHS process so far has been so
    regrettable.  All that work, all those taxpayer dollars, expended on
    crafting a detailed design based on a fundamental misunderstanding of
    the base CAP standard.  And now, at this late date, we're in the
    thankless position of having to tell our federal partners "whoa, not so
    Somehow we need to back up and compile a list of specific functional
    requirements, so the folks who are best qualified to do so can recommend
    how best to satisfy those requirements and resolve any conflicts among
    them using the CAP standard.  I hope DHS can help us with that, as I
    assume they would have gone through that stage in the course of their
    internal design process.
    - Art
    Art Botterell, Manager
    Community Warning System
    Contra Costa County Office of the Sheriff
    50 Glacier Drive
    Martinez, California 94553
    (925) 313-9603
    fax (925) 646-1120