OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: Notes from last Friday's Geo-GIS teleconference

  • 1.  RE: Notes from last Friday's Geo-GIS teleconference

    Posted 08-18-2009 15:32
    Had a good (if delayed) call last Friday.
    Two main points:
    1. Discussed the OASIS "where" GML application schema. All agreed that the OGC should take ownership, finish the document, share with OASIS EM TC for comment, modify based on comments, and then make the document an official OGC standard. Issues:
    .  Which version of GML (3.1.1 or 3.2.1).
    .  Geometry only or allow full feature specification.
    .  Single or multi-geometries
    2. Discussed CAP 1.2/2.0 and the Canadian "layers" capability. This led to a discussion of specifying an extension mechanism for CAP that does not break backwards compatibility but allows for regional extensions to meet specific policy, regulatory, legal, or technical requirements. This is a more general TC discussion that just Geo-GIS.
    That's all!
    Carl Reed, PhD
    CTO and Executive Director Specification Program
    The OGC: Helping the World to Communicate Geographically
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