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Subject: Re: NIMS - EDXL Standard Format for Resource Messaging (EDXL_ResourceDraft07152005.doc) uploaded
On 23 Jul 2005, at 01:33, Timothy Grapes wrote:
> I just found out that those referenced documents (NIM Documents
> NIC-GDL-008 & NIC-GDL-004 & NIC-GDL-007) were draft and are no longer
> available. All content is contained in the "NIMS document", which may
> be
> found either on our Dhelp collaboration site, or at the following web
> site:
Thanks Tim.
For the TCs info, Australia has a localised version of NIMS, called
the Australia Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS)
A version is at:
Cheers... Renato Iannella
National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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