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Subject: CAP alerts searchable in Google Earth
Current CAP alerts for weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, etc are now searchable in Google Earth via the link .
To add this capability, open Google Earth, click on "Add" in the toolbar, and select "Network Link". You control when the search executes; I suggest a few seconds after the camera stops moving. A picture of the "add Network Link" dialogue box I used for adding this Network Link to my copy of Google Earth is attached.
Here's my posting about this CAP alert search capability.
Title: CAP alerts (public warnings) via Network Link
All-hazard and all-media public warnings are converging on the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) format (see "The Challenge of Public Warning <> ).
This Google Earth Network Link will retrieve up to 50 CAP alerts nearby, using the standard SRU search service.
The search runs against aggregated CAP feeds from the U.S. Geological Survey ( <> ) and the National Weather Service ( <> )
The aggregator site ( <> ) is by Deep Web Technologies, the technology provider for Science.Gov
The SRU search service is the Web service version of classic ISO 23950 (aka Z39.50), the standard search service for libraries and geospatial communities worldwide. SRU itself is described at <>
Please note that this is an experimental service and errors in content are likely. Also, this proof of concept demoware is running on a puny machine, so please be gentle!
Comments please to Eliot Christian <>
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