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Subject: Re: [emergency] Fwd: OASIS EM TC Category for EDXL standards
Renato, This is a good suggestion and one I agree we should do. I will
put this on the agenda for the next full TC meeting Oct 4. Don't know how
to get you involved with the time difference. Maybe you could stawman a
"kplan" and toss it out for review before or as a part of the call? Other
At 09:23 PM 9/19/2005, Renato Iannella wrote:
>On 19 Sep 2005, at 20:44, Elysa Jones wrote:
>>>For some time now our workplan has been to continue to promote and
>>>develop CAP separately while EDXL develops and mature, and then to
>>>create a fully EDXL-compliant version at CAP 2.0.
>Perhaps we (this TC) needs to discuss and document our own kplan.
>Then we can tell the outside world what to "expect" from the TC.
>It would be good for the outside stake holders to know, for example,
>that CAP 2.0 may be dependent on EDXL 1.5.
>Cheers... Renato Iannella
>National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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