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Subject: RE: [emergency] Public as responders (was RE: [emergency]...PPW letter re CAP)
I've seen two issues. One that deals with asset management where a "first
responder" is a member of the general public. If the only electronic asset
at a scene is a cell phone (or PDA) you may have voice, text messaging
and/or picture taking capability (GPS with a PDA). You need to be able to
identify and classify the asset. Will you accommodate communications to that
asset? The question is not if you will communicate with the asset if it's
held by an EMT, just whether or not you will consider a cell phone or PDA an
asset and provide communications to/through the asset.
There is a person holding the cell phone who is also an asset. If you choose
to use that person you need to quickly classify their capabilities and
provide information to emergency management on the capabilities of the
asset. The data path to the human asset may be through a dispatcher,
directly to their cell phone, VOIP, etc. The path doesn't change how the
asset is used, just how the asset receives information.
The other issue seems to be around broadcast media or the general public
receiving and providing information. This still feels like asset management.
If the media or citizens who own bullhorns, CB radios or digital cameras are
assets then the asset should be added to the available on-scene (or
available) assets. The emergency management team then has to decide if and
how the asset will be used, including the path for the information. If a
video clip or picture is considered essential to the management team then
the bandwidth will be consumed - this isn't a standards issue, it's an asset
management decision.
*Allowing* a video clip or digital picture to be communicated electronically
seems essential in an EM standard (I think the suggestion was that this can
be accommodated by adding a single element). Identifying assets and their
attributes is essential. Identifying a path or multiple paths to/from an
asset is essential. How an asset is used in an emergency situation is not a
standards issue.