OASIS Emergency Management TC

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GJXDM vs EDXL Distribution isses

  • 1.  GJXDM vs EDXL Distribution isses

    Posted 12-29-2004 14:35
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: GJXDM vs EDXL Distribution isses

    The GJXDM subschema generator is up again today so I ran another
    difference against it
    EDXL Distribution has an element "eventType" that is type as an
    GJXDM has an Type "EventType" wich is a data type for multiple kinds of
    events and has the subelements of EventDate, EventDescriptionText,
    EventName, EventStatus, Event Time, and Event Type Text
    These are fundamentally different.  GJXDM uses Type in its naming
    conventions almost exclusively for organizing a data type and not for
    In general the GJXDM uses "code" for ennumerated value sets of all kinds
    and CategoryCode  or TypeCode for classification such as we have in
    EDXL.  This is true even if the code instances are complete words.
    To be GJXDM compliant we would probably have to change the "eventType"
    to something more akin to "EmergencyEventTypeCode"
    There is probably more of this to come. Your thoughts..............?
    Gary A. Ham 
    Senior Research Scientist
    Battelle Memorial Institute
    540-288-5611 (office)
    703-869-6241 (cell)
    "You would be surprised what you can accomplish when you do not care who
    gets the credit." - Harry S. Truman

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