OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  RE: Update: Re: [emergency] FW: IPAWS Profile Discrepancy

    Posted 03-09-2010 22:11
    Rex or anyone,
    Since when did the profile schema disappear?  (Apparently, it
    disappeared right after PR02.  Maybe the better question is why did it
    disappear so silently and no one update the definition of "Profile" in
    the document?)

    Tim Gilmore
    Senior Test and Evaluation Engineer
    SAIC / NIMS Support Center
    606-274-2063 Office
    606-274-2012 Fax
    606-219-7882 Cell

    From: Rex Brooks [mailto:rexb@starbourne.com]
    Sent: Tue 3/9/2010 2:14 PM
    To: rexb@starbourne.com
    Cc: Gilmore, Timothy; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org; Elysa Jones
    Subject: Update: Re: [emergency] FW: IPAWS Profile Discrepancy

    Update: Jacob refreshed my memory for me, that there is no separate
    schema for the CAPv1.2-IPAWS Profile, and it is perfectly legal to treat
    <info> block as optional. I did misrmember that. There's nothing like a
    Plenary week of meetings in another organization to push recent work
    here right down to the lower rungs of consciousness. I'm slowly catching
    back up.

    Just to make the picture complete, an alert just passed across the tube
    I have on in the background.


    Rex Brooks wrote:
    > Thanks Tim,
    > This is my error. My apologies to all. Now, having been wrong about
    > this, I will have to go back over it. Unfortunately I have a doctor's
    > appointment today, so I will have to do this later.
    > Apologies,
    > Rex
    > Gilmore, Timothy wrote:
    >> All,
    >> I wanting to thank everyone for their input on this issue and also want
    >> to pass along more information on it:
    >> The difference between a Standard and a Profile notwithstanding, the
    >> specific point is that the IPAWS Profile *document* (any of the
    >> documents under
    >> http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/ipaws-profile/v1.0/)
    >> and the IPAWS Profile *schema*
    >> (http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/ipaws-profile/v1.0/pr02/c
    >> apv1.2-ipaws-profile-v1.0-pr02.xsd) don't match.
    >> The documents indicate that <info> is optional, but the schema indicates
    >> that it is required.
    >> Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC
    >> Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP
    >> phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2025
    >> mobile: 606.219.7882 | email: gilmoret@us.saic.com  Please consider
    >> the environment before printing this email.

  • 2.  Re: [emergency] RE: Update: Re: [emergency] FW: IPAWS Profile Discrepancy

    Posted 03-10-2010 18:09
    > Since when did the profile schema disappear?  (Apparently, it
    > disappeared right after PR02.  Maybe the better question is why did it
    > disappear so silently and no one update the definition of "Profile" in
    > the document?)
    The Public Review 01 and 02 documents for the IPAWS Profile do not state that an applicable Profile Schema is available nor required.  PR02 went out with a sample CAP 1.2 schema, which was not yet a published standard, reflecting the state of 1.2 at that time, in order to illustrate the Profile's change from CAP 1.1 to 1.2 as the base.  Ideally 1.2 would have already been approved and the profile/cart wouldn't have come before the 1.2/horse.  Unfortunately thats the situation we're in and if this caused any confusion it's regrettable.  The joys of being an early adopter...
    In section 1.3 Terminology, I don't think the definition of Profile needs to be updated today as its pretty clear.  Its a generic description of a Profile, which may or may not, have its own schema.  If there was a schema created, then this definition illustrates how it should relate to the original, but doesn't state that one has been created officially for this particular profile.  There is the option of someone creating their own unofficial schema that incorporates some of the profile's restrictions as long as it follows these guidelines.  As more profiles are created, this definition could certainly be revisited.
    The key section is 3.2 Conformance which says a profile message must be valid according to CAP 1.2 and the additional requirements in Section 2 of the Profile.

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] RE: Update: Re: [emergency] FW: IPAWS Profile Discrepancy

    Posted 03-10-2010 20:04
    If I am not mistaken, we explicitly chose not to create a IPAWS  
    profile schema separate from CAP 1.2.  Reaso ing was that most of the  
    IPAWS rules could not be enforced by schema anyway. They are primarily  
    content as opposed to structure rules.
    Sent from my iPhone
    On Mar 10, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Jacob Westfall

  • 4.  Re: [emergency] RE: Update: Re: [emergency] FW: IPAWS Profile Discrepancy

    Posted 03-10-2010 20:35
    That's my recollection, too, Gary,
    Gary Ham wrote:
    > If I am not mistaken, we explicitly chose not to create a IPAWS 
    > profile schema separate from CAP 1.2.  Reaso ing was that most of the 
    > IPAWS rules could not be enforced by schema anyway. They are primarily 
    > content as opposed to structure rules.
    > Sent from my iPhone
    > On Mar 10, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Jacob Westfall

  • 5.  Re: [emergency] RE: Update: Re: [emergency] FW: IPAWS Profile Discrepancy

    Posted 03-10-2010 20:28
    Thanks Jacob,
    I'll be out from under my current workload by next weekend, and have 
    more time for delving into details. I'm not getting any better at 
    multitasking as I get older, sad to say.
    Jacob Westfall wrote:
    >> Since when did the profile schema disappear?  (Apparently, it
    >> disappeared right after PR02.  Maybe the better question is why did it
    >> disappear so silently and no one update the definition of "Profile" in
    >> the document?)
    > The Public Review 01 and 02 documents for the IPAWS Profile do not state that an applicable Profile Schema is available nor required.  PR02 went out with a sample CAP 1.2 schema, which was not yet a published standard, reflecting the state of 1.2 at that time, in order to illustrate the Profile's change from CAP 1.1 to 1.2 as the base.  Ideally 1.2 would have already been approved and the profile/cart wouldn't have come before the 1.2/horse.  Unfortunately thats the situation we're in and if this caused any confusion it's regrettable.  The joys of being an early adopter...
    > In section 1.3 Terminology, I don't think the definition of Profile needs to be updated today as its pretty clear.  Its a generic description of a Profile, which may or may not, have its own schema.  If there was a schema created, then this definition illustrates how it should relate to the original, but doesn't state that one has been created officially for this particular profile.  There is the option of someone creating their own unofficial schema that incorporates some of the profile's restrictions as long as it follows these guidelines.  As more profiles are created, this definition could certainly be revisited.
    > The key section is 3.2 Conformance which says a profile message must be valid according to CAP 1.2 and the additional requirements in Section 2 of the Profile.
    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison
    Berkeley, CA 94702
    Tel: 510-898-0670