OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] Final editorial corrections?

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Final editorial corrections?

    Posted 03-31-2004 19:20
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [emergency] Final editorial corrections?

    Art Botterell wrote:
    > see if there are any final editorial corrections
    > we should make?
    	I'm confused... But, this may be simply because I am new to
    the OASIS process. Nonetheless, it seems to me that the OASIS
    process[1] is very clear when it says: in Section 3(b)"Member
    Approval" that:
       "Errata or Corrigenda to a submission are not permitted;
        if changes are required the Committee Draft must be 
        withdrawn by the TC, edited, re-approved as a Committee
        Draft, then resubmitted."
    	Given my potentially flawed reading of the published OASIS
    process, it seems that the *only* avenue available for corrections of
    any form would be to withdraw the current document and resubmit it
    after the corrections had been made. Or, are you talking about a V1.x
    draft that would be submitted for member approval sometime after
    V1.0's vote is complete? What am I missing?
    		bob wyman
    [1] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php

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