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Fwd: October 19th Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36 & JointXML CoP - SICoP Get Acquainted Meeting

  • 1.  Fwd: October 19th Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36 & JointXML CoP - SICoP Get Acquainted Meeting

    Posted 10-04-2004 17:52
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    Subject: Fwd: October 19th Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36 & JointXML CoP - SICoP Get Acquainted Meeting

    Title: Fwd: October 19th Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36 &
    Hi Everyone,

    I am forwarding this invitation to you all with the hope you can attend this event. I apologize to those of you who will receive this as a duplication, but I want to be certain you are all invited.

    However, an RSVP is necessary. RSVP: Please respond to renee.hughes@gsa.gov or 202-501-0291 to register for a badge, if you plan to attend.

    I look forward to seeing you there.

    Best Regards,

    X-Priority: 3
    Date:         Mon, 4 Oct 2004 10:52:37 -0400
    Reply-To: Brand Niemann <bniemann@cox.net>
    Sender: CIO Council AIC Web-Services Working Group
    From: Brand Niemann <bniemann@cox.net>
    Subject: October 19th Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36 & Joint XML CoP - SICoP Get Acquainted Meeting
    To: CIOC-WEB-SERVICES@listserv.gsa.gov
    X-Rcpt-To: <rexb@STARBOURNE.COM>
    X-DPOP: Version number supressed
    Status: U
    The October 19th Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36 will also be a Joint XML CoP - SICoP Get Acquainted Meeting!
    Wiki URL: http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?BestPracticeProcessforImplementingFEA_Data_Reference_Model_XMLProfile_2004_10_19
    Title: Evolving a Multi-Stakeholder Best Practices Process for Implementing An FEA DRM XML Profile and Open Standards Web Applications: Introduction to Semantic Technology Tools and Applications
    8:30 a.m. - Check-in, Box Lunch Order ($8.00/person) and Coffee
    9:00 a.m. - Welcome and Introduction:
    Susan Turnbull, GSA, Co-Chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC)
    Brand Niemann, EPA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Semantic Interoperability CoP (BPC)
    Owen Ambur, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Government XML CoP
    9:15 a.m. - Joint SICoP/XML CoP Data and Information Reference Model (DRM) XML Profile, Mike Daconta, Metadata Program Manager, US Department of Homeland Security
    10:15 a.m. - BREAK
    10:30 a.m.- Perspectives:
    FEA Chief Architect - (Invited)
    IA EA SIG - Davis Roberts (Invited)
    DOJ - Jim Feaganes, Enterprise Data Architect (Invited)
    CGI - Eliot Christian (USGS), Chair (Invited)
    IC MWG - Tim West (DIA), Chair (Invited)
    OASIS - Carl Mattocks (cHECKMI), Co-chair (two committees)
    12:00-noon - Networking Lunch
    1:00 p.m.- Tools for Producing RDF and OWL (shared hands-on facilities will be available in the NSF Board Room)
    Evren Sirin & James Hendler, University of Maryland (OntoLink, Etc.)
    Ontolog Forum Representative (Holger Knublauch, developer of the OWL plugin for Protege)
    TopQuandrant Representative (TopBraid)
    2:30 p.m. - BREAK
    2:45 p.m. - Demonstrations of New Open Standards Technologies:
    Rich Site Summary (RSS) for - Lisa Wolfisch, Census
    Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) - Russ Ruggerio and Rex Brooks
    3:45 p.m. - Reflections from workshop presenters and participants
    4:15 p.m. - ADJOURN
    4:15 - 5 p.m. Joint XML CoP - SICoP Get Acquainted Meeting
    Brand Niemann, Representative to the Governance and Components Subcommittees
    http://web-services.gov and http://www.componenttechnology.org
    and Co-Chair of the Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice
    http://web-services.gov and http://km.gov

    Rex Brooks
    GeoAddress: 1361-A Addison, Berkeley, CA, 94702 USA, Earth
    W3Address: http://www.starbourne.com
    Email: rexb@starbourne.com
    Tel: 510-849-2309
    Fax: By Request

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