OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] FEMA IPAWS Note on CAP Profile

  • 1.  Re: [emergency-cap-profiles] FEMA IPAWS Note on CAP Profile

    Posted 02-19-2009 19:32
    Thanks Sukumar,
    It's good to have the historical context to go with the current context.
    At 2:12 PM -0500 2/19/09, Dwarkanath, Sukumar - INTL wrote:
    >Following a request from the FEMA IPAWS Program, I am forwarding the 
    >below statement.
    >  History:
    >- In short, per the FCC's 2nd Report & Order in 12 Jul 07, the FCC 
    >deferred adoption of standards and protocols for the EAS system to 
    >FEMA.  A 180-day implementation clock starts for industry upon 
    >FEMA's adoption of its standards and protocols.
    >- On 30 Jul 08, FEMA announced in a press release that it will be 
    >working with its federal, state, local and industry partners, 
    >including OASIS, to develop its standards and protocols.  At that 
    >time, FEMA gave notice to the community that it intends on adopting 
    >its standards and protocols by 1QCY09, or 31 Mar 09.
    >- On 25 Sep 08, the EAS-CAP Industry Group (ECIG) published its 
    >draft CAP Profile.
    >- On 22 Oct 08, FEMA and DHS S&T conducted a teleconference with the 
    >ECIG and discussed our plans and activities with them, including the 
    >OASIC process.
    >- On 12 Dec 08, FEMA published a draft Profile Requirements document 
    >to the OASIS Profiles Sub-Committee and to the ECIG and the ATIS/TIA 
    >Joint CMAS standard development working group.  The FEMA draft 
    >Profile Requirements document addressed only one exchange partner 
    >system, namely EAS.
    >- Since 12 Dec 08, the OASIS Profiles SC has been adjudicating 
    >contributions from FEMA, DHS S&T, from within the SC (including NOAA 
    >and HazCollect), and from subject matter experts from the ECIG and 
    >ATIS/TIA to develop a draft IPAWS CAP Profile.  FEMA welcomed the 
    >expansion of scope for the Profile development to include other 
    >exchange partner systems by including CMAS and HazCollect in 
    >addition to EAS.
    >FEMA and DHS S&T acknowledge that not every community member is 
    >aware of the OASIS process or is able to participate in the OASIS 
    >process.  We have been engaging Emergency Managers via a separate 
    >Practitioners Working Group (PWG) and plan to engage Industry via a 
    >separate Industry Engagement Day (IED) later this month.  We have 
    >asked the PWG to provide comments on the original Profile 
    >Requirements document from Dec 08.  We intend to adjudicate all 
    >comments on the Profile Requirements document in order to refine the 
    >Profile Requirements document.  Further, as the OASIS Profile 
    >document has developed, that document has addressed many of the 
    >matters from the Profile Requirements document.  We intend on 
    >offering all comments to the FEMA Profile Requirements document as 
    >contributions to the OASIS Profiles SC to help shape the OASIS IPAWS 
    >CAP Profile as well.
    >FEMA's goal is to fulfill its responsibilities under the FCC's 2nd 
    >R&O to adopt standards and protocols for the Next-Generation EAS 
    >system.  The OASIS standards-making process offers a public, open, 
    >fair, and rigorous forum for gathering and adjudicating all 
    >contributions from all members of the community.  The community 
    >requests a single CAP message for use among multiple dissemination 
    >systems, which we have called exchange partners.  We welcome 
    >contributions from the whole community in order to develop a 
    >singular OASIS IPAWS CAP Profile that will address constraints on 
    >the CAP v1.1 standard among all exchange partners.
    >It is FEMA's responsibility to publish its standards and protocols. 
    > FEMA will consider and adjudicate the OASIS IPAWS CAP Profile as 
    >appropriate in preparation for its adoption of standards and 
    >protocols for the Next-Generation EAS.  FEMA recognizes that the 
    >FCC's 2nd R&O does not require standards and protocols to be 
    >published at this time regarding security, multiple languages, 
    >alerts & warnings of special needs communities, or of video media 
    >types.  Hence, we feel that it is reasonable to consider adopting 
    >the OASIS IPAWS CAP Profile as part of its pending standards and 
    >protocols.  Note, however, in accordance with statements made 
    >publicly, that FEMA intends on pursuing the development of 
    >additional requirements to address any outstanding issues for NG-EAS 
    >Sukumar Dwarkanath
    >SRA International
    >1920 N Street NW
    >Washington DC 20002