OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  CAP 1.2 changes

    Posted 03-31-2009 16:43
    	Here is the list of CAP 1.2 changes developed from the comments work done in the fall.  The primary reason is the identified need for Avoid and AllClear and adding them could not be accomplished through the errata process.
    3 - Caution/restriction against restricted, escaped, and special characters and
    encoded entities in content fields
    15,17-6,20,22 - New responseType values of Avoid and AllClear
    16,19 - Editorial changes
    27 - Clarification on acceptable values in polygon and circle elements
    28 - Expand CAP examples to include update and bilingual messages
    Also based on IPAWS profile work, the following changes could also be added,
    - All dateTime elements should include a timezone (Art's guidelines from the IPAWS profile could be used)
    - A review of the schema found