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Subject: Fwd: TC Meetings in New Orleans
FYI....please make sure you confirm your reservation if you have not
done so.
As a side note, some of you have expressed an interest in getting
together the weekend before. I will be arriving Saturday morning, and
would be more than happy to hook up with any of you that will be there
early for lunch, dinner, some touring, etc. - just let me know if there
is any interest, and we can try to determine when and where to meet.
Begin forwarded message:
> Please review this list and confirm that your TC members have booked
> their
> rooms and please confirm the meeting times for your TC. As you can
> imagine,
> we need to guarantee a quantity of sleeping rooms in order to get the
> meeting room space at no charge.
> Large Room 4--Balcony M (holds 30)
> Wednesday - OASIS Emergency Mgmt TC (15 participants) 8:00AM-12:00PM
> OASIS ebXML Registry TC (6 participants) 1:00PM-5:00PM
R. Allen Wyke
Chair, OASIS Emergency Management TC
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