OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] GIS SC draft charter

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] GIS SC draft charter

    Posted 04-22-2003 15:40
    Might it be possible to get the GIS team's inputs on the CAP work any 
    sooner than September?  We've slated to bring forward a draft in 
    calendar Q2.
    - Art
    At 11:35 AM -0400 4/22/03, Eliot Christian wrote:
    >Here's a proposal for the charter of the new GIS Subcommittee,
    >drafted among Dave Denko, Bill Schroeder, and me.
    >Geographic Information Systems Subcommittee (GIS SC)
    >Scope of Work - Geography and spatial location are an extremely
    >important part of Emergency Management.  Geographic information
    >standards are becoming mature and being integrated into general
    >Information Technology standards. This subcommittee will ensure
    >the proper use and integration of these geographic standards into
    >the development of Emergency Management interoperability standards.
    >Purpose - The purpose of this subcommittee is to ensure existing
    >geographic information standards are properly used and integrated
    >into Emergency Management standards. This may include developing
    >profiles and application schemas of existing geographic information
    >standards for EM, if and when unique sets of requirements are
    >identified. The SC will seek to make EM TC participants aware of
    >the correct use of coordinate reference systems, GIS capabilities,
    >feature classes, geographic metadata, and other related geospatial
    >Deliverables -
    >(1) By June 2003, provide to EM TC participants educational
    >     materials, as well as identifying specific standards and
    >     standards work such as the Open GIS Consortium, ISO TC 211
    >     and the FGDC Framework Themes progressing in ANSI;
    >(2) By September 2003, provide advice on the GIS aspects of
    >     the particular EM TC standards work concerning the Common
    >     Alerting Protocol (CAP);
    >(3) By December 2003, institute the process to reach a consensus
    >     position on how best to align symbologies across different
    >     maps used in an emergency.