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RE: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema

    Posted 01-19-2006 18:59
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    Subject: RE: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema



    Not that I could find. It’s “##any” in the latest document and schema.




    Patti Iles Aymond, PhD
    Senior Scientist
    Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response

    Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.

    Managing Risk in a Complex World

    8555 United Plaza Blvd.   Suite 100
    Baton Rouge, LA 70809
    (225) 952-8228 (phone)
    (225) 952-8122 (fax)

    From: Ellis, David [mailto:dellis@sandia.gov]
    Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:21 AM
    To: Aymond, Patti; Mark Carlson - Conneva, Inc.
    Cc: Emergency_Mgt_TC TC
    Subject: RE: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema


    Patti /Mark


    Did we specify “any##” in the current documentation?  The schema values should be ##any and every place I have looked it is correct.  Was there an typographical error in version 7 of the schema?


    David E. Ellis

    Information Management Architect

    (505) 844-6697


    From: Aymond, Patti [mailto:Patti.Aymond@iem.com]
    Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:18 AM
    To: Mark Carlson - Conneva, Inc.
    Cc: Emergency_Mgt_TC TC
    Subject: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema




    I am no schema expert, but I did not have any problems getting the EDXL-DE to validate in tools that I have (XML Spy is not one of them). Maybe someone on the TC can offer some suggestions for you.


    Welcome to the TC.




    Patti Iles Aymond, PhD
    Senior Scientist
    Bioterrorism Preparedness & Response

    Innovative Emergency Management, Inc.

    Managing Risk in a Complex World

    8555 United Plaza Blvd.   Suite 100
    Baton Rouge, LA 70809
    (225) 952-8228 (phone)
    (225) 952-8122 (fax)

    From: Mark Carlson - Conneva, Inc. [mailto:conneva@gmail.com]
    Sent: Friday, January 13, 2006 10:34 AM
    To: Aymond, Patti
    Subject: Question on EDXL-DE schema




    I'm a new TC member and am taking my first look at the various documents and schemas.  When I open version 7 of the EDXL-DE schema in XML Spy, I receive an error stating that


    The content model contains the elements <element name="nonXMLContent"> and <any namespace="any##"> which can not be uniquely determined.


    When I remove the "<any namespace="any##"> or change it to <any namespace="local##"> the schema validates successfully. 


    I understand that this change was introduced recently to support XML signatures.  Do I have something setup incorrectly in XML Spy or is there something else we need to do to the schema to make it valid.


    Mark Carlson

    Conneva, Inc.




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