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Subject: Re: [emergency] Global Homeland Security Conference
Strictly speaking, of course, all the OASIS TC Process calls for is
"certification by at least three OASIS member organizations that they
are successfully using the specification consistently with the OASIS
IPR Policy." It doesn't appear that OASIS imposes any requirements
about the venue in which that use occurs.
In fact, the OASIS TC Guidelines are explicitly broad on this topic:
"Despite numerous requests, the OASIS TC Administrator feels it is
not in the TC's best interests to further define the meaning of
'successfully using'. The implementation could really be anything
from prototypes or proof of concept all the way up to shrink-wrapped
I mention this only because I'm thinking we might not need to demand
that TC members participate in two separate activities... unless they
want to, of course. Testing is good and more testing is better, but
we're all busy and we might not need to set the bar artificially
high... and I'm sure we don't want to create any disincentive for TC
members to participate in EC activities.
The EC and the TC may not be the same thing, but I don't think that
makes their activities mutually exclusive. If the TC could leverage
results from an EC activity, seems like that would be so much the
better... and permissible under the OASIS rules.
That's just my personal take on it, though... the decision would be
up to the TC.
- Art
At 11:01 PM -0400 8/28/03, Allen Wyke wrote:
>The Chairs had a lengthy discussion with Karl and Jamie at OASIS today,
>and this was one of the topics of discussion. I wanted to send a quick
>email to ensure there is no confusion about this public demonstration.
>This particular test is not an EM TC test, but rather a group that
>happens to include both members and non-members. If it were an EM TC
>test, we have certain things we are obligated to do, such as limiting it
>to only members. This clearly is not meant to reduce any steam of that
>effort, because this is obviously a great validation to the work of the
>TC and specifically to the SC. I just wanted to make sure we were all on
>the same page.
>It is also worth mentioning, that this should not be confused with the
>EM TC's requirement of performing the agreed upon (at the mini-f2f)
>tests. So those who signed up for that test (Blue292, E Team, DMIS, Ship
>Analytics, IEM, and Unisys), are still obligated to do such. If this
>needs to change for any reason, then it needs to be raised to the TC,
>because right now it is on our To Do list.
>Hope this clarifies things - Allen
>R. Allen Wyke
>Chair, Emergency Management TC
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