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Subject: Re: [emergency] nonXMLContent
Renato -
Your email question WRT nonXMLContent got me thinking about how an EDXL
payload could easily be extended to include external non EDXL vocabularies,
such as a GML payload. As EDXL is really a type of web feed for the
emergencu community, I immediately thought of Atom. Atom is now an Internet
standard. There are a lot of interesting lessons/approaches in Atom that
could be useful for EDXL. The actual Atom doc is called
draft-ietf-atompub-format-11 - The Atom Syndication Format. Below my
signature is the section from the document on extendnig Atom. This is very
similar to the approach suggested by Gary Ham - what he termed additional
content messages.
Here is an example of GML lite :-) as part of an Atom feed. AS with CAP, the
default CRS is WGS 84.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="";
<subtitle>International earthquake observation labs</subtitle>
<link href=""/>
<name>Dr. Thaddeus Remor</name>
<title>M 3.2, Mona Passage</title>
<link href=""/>
<summary>We just had a big one.</summary>
<gml:pos>45.256 -110.45</gml:pos>
6. Extending Atom
6.1 Extensions From Non-Atom Vocabularies
This specification describes Atom's XML markup vocabulary. Markup
from other vocabularies ("foreign markup") can be used in an Atom
Document. Note that the atom:content element is designed to support
the inclusion of arbitrary foreign markup.
6.2 Extensions To the Atom Vocabulary
The Atom namespace is reserved for future forwards-compatible
revisions of Atom. Future versions of this specification could add
new elements and attributes to the Atom markup vocabulary. Software
written to conform to this version of the specification will not be
able to process such markup correctly and, in fact, will not be able
to distinguish it from markup error. For the purposes of this
discussion, unrecognized markup from the Atom vocabulary will be
considered "foreign markup".
6.3 Processing Foreign Markup
Atom Processors which encounter foreign markup in a location that is
legal according to this specification MUST NOT stop processing or
signal an error. It might be the case that the Atom Processor is
able to process the foreign markup correctly and does so. Otherwise,
such markup is termed "unknown foreign markup".
When unknown foreign markup is encountered as a child of atom:entry,
atom:feed, or a Person construct, Atom Processors MAY bypass the
markup and any textual content and MUST NOT change their behavior as
a result of the markup's presence.
When unknown foreign markup is encountered in a Text Construct or
atom:content element, software SHOULD ignore the markup and process
any text content of foreign elements as though the surrounding markup
were not present.
6.4 Extension Elements
Atom allows foreign markup anywhere in an Atom document, except where
it is explicitly forbidden. Child elements of atom:entry, atom:feed,
atom:source, and Person constructs are considered Metadata elements,
and are described below. Child elements of Person constructs are
considered to apply to the construct. The role of other foreign
markup is undefined by this specification.