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Re: [emergency] EDXL Target Areas for device coded recipients

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] EDXL Target Areas for device coded recipients

    Posted 05-25-2005 13:44
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

    emergency message

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] EDXL Target Areas for device coded recipients

    Following on my previous... Kon's specific example refers to groups  
    of one or more devices.  That seems like it might be addressed either  
    by explicit addressing using <recipientAddress> or a keyword  
    reference rather than by using the <targetArea> structure.  After  
    all, a device or set of devices only indirectly describes an area...  
    a device might be moved without changing its identity.
    Of course, there are many situations where we might want to send a  
    message to "every device of class X within geospatial area Y" without  
    necessarily knowing ahead of time which particular devices fell in  
    that class at that time.  That's where <targetArea>, possibly in  
    concert with a keyword, would apply.
    - Art
    On May 24, 2005, at 12:58 PM, Kon Wilms wrote:
    > All,
    > Many systems make use of numeric codes for target areas, for example a
    > group identifier of n character bytes (which may point to 1 or more
    > devices). What is the correct way to map this to the EDXL target area,
    > or does one even exist?
    > Cheers
    > Kon
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