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Subject: Re: [emergency] What do want in a FAQ for a new spec
On Feb 25, 2004, at 1:48 PM, Rex Brooks wrote:
> Having beaten myself to shreds on the WSRP Primer (just one section of
> it), I'm not ready to start an implementation guide real soon, and I
> would suggest that one of the representatives of one of the firms in
> the TC who have developed implementations would be better qualified
> for that.
Just to clarify the process here. The TC has assigned the MSG SC the
task of the implementer's guide, which was suppose to have a draft
delivered in Q3 2003. Everyone has been busy with various things, I
understand, but at the same time this is still the responsibility of
the SC and specifically the accountability of the Chairs, to bring it
back to the TC. If the SC is not properly "staffed" to handle such a
requirement, then the SC needs to ask for help so that we can get this
item completed. As it stands, it is simply an outstanding Action Item
the SC has failed to deliver regardless of what else has gone on.
If the flood of questions that have hit the public comment and CAP
lists recent have reinforced anything, it is that we need an
implementer's guide to bring clarity to implementing CAP.
Not meaning to be harsh - just being honest about the situation. If the
situation needs to change, then the SC needs to bring a suggestion to
the TC for consideration. Until that time, I can only press the SC to
complete their assigned tasks.
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