OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [emergency] Draft TC Letter on HazCollect

  • 1.  Re: [emergency] Draft TC Letter on HazCollect

    Posted 06-14-2006 01:14
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: Re: [emergency] Draft TC Letter on HazCollect

    Carl, Can you provide some specific wording that you would 
    suggest?  Maybe..."in the absence of  compliance testing, the TC is 
    offering this advice.... Elysa
    At 07:33 PM 6/13/2006, Carl Reed OGC Account wrote:
    >My one concern is the use of the phrase, "non-compliant 
    >implementation". What is a compliant implementation? In the 
    >standards world, compliance suggests a rigorous testing framework in 
    >which assertions (rules) as specified in the standard are 
    >specifically tested against a given implementation. The OGC has 
    >almost 4 years experience in building and providing compliance 
    >testing for a number of our core standards. This framework 
    >determines that a product implementation of a particular 
    >Specification fulfills all mandatory elements as specified and that 
    >these elements are operable. There is significant value to an 
    >organization or vendor in having their implementation of a given 
    >standard pass a compliance test.
    >I am not trying to be overly sticky on the semantics, but if I were 
    >on the NOAA side, I would ask the question "and what exactly do you 
    >mean by compliance?"
    >Also, just to stir the pot a bit, even compliance does not insure 
    >interoperability. Interoperability testing is a whole other topic.
    >OGC is not the only organization that provide compliance testing. So 
    >does ISO, IEEE, the ITU, and many other standards organizations.