OASIS Emergency Management TC

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  • 1.  OASIS CAP v1.2 USA IPAWS profile 1.0 location?

    Posted 12-29-2009 15:05

    As briefly discussed in the last EM-TC meeting, can someone send me a link to where the OASIS CAP v1.2 USA IPAWS profile 1.0 is located so I can reference it as a link in our documentation? Also the OASIS CAP v1.2 standard, schema, examples, etc. would be helpful too just to make sure I have the latest and greatest versions.

    Thank you,

    Timothy D. Gilmore | SAIC

    Senior Test Engineer | ILPSG | NIMS SC | NIMS STEP

    phone: 606.274.2063 | fax: 606.274.2012

    mobile: 606.219.7882 | email:  

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  • 2.  Re: [emergency] OASIS CAP v1.2 USA IPAWS profile 1.0 location?

    Posted 12-29-2009 16:26

  • 3.  Re: [emergency] OASIS CAP v1.2 USA IPAWS profile 1.0 location?

    Posted 12-29-2009 17:15
    > http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/ipaws-profile/v1.0/cs01/
    The Latest Version from the metadata doesn't specify the cs01/ part.  I believe that is the URL that we should make sure people are using to accomodate any future changes.  Tim had also asked for the CAP 1.2 location link and that would be http://docs.oasis-open.org/emergency/cap/v1.2/
    > not) my recollection that no change was needed in the schema from the 
    > PR02 version. I am also copying Elysa, because we are waiting to hear 
    No schema was created for the IPAWS Profile, as most of the profile constraints could not be expressed with W3C schema, hence the Conformance statements only refer to the CAP 1.2 schema.  There was an XSD that went out with IPAWS PR02 but I believe it was an early CAP 1.2 draft schema in order to give reviewers a better understanding of CAP 1.2.