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RE: [emergency] Naming Conventions

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Naming Conventions

    Posted 04-24-2003 17:09
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    Subject: RE: [emergency] Naming Conventions

    Title: RE: [emergency] Naming Conventions
    Yes.  As one of the contributors to some of the DoD standards
    for SGML, I know what it is to be both victim and perp.
    One survivor of all of that despite the web and HTML is the
    US Army IADS system.  It used concepts that were all
    eventually rolled up into XML and was doing so by 1990.
    That is, it enabled a DTD but did not mandate one, instead,
    relying on a user-configurable stylesheet system that mapped
    the rendering to the tags.  It is still in use and being improved. 
    Even earlier, the US Navy CASS ATI system based over the now 
    defunct Mentor Context editor worked by enabling the authors to
    create tag/rendering libraries and scripting the workflow through
    the GUI.  The end product was then indexed and bitmap rendered. 
    Old fashioned but of its day and successful.   Both of these succeeded
    because the user was considered to be intelligent and able
    to analyze their local requirements and apply them given
    reasonable tools. 
    CASS was 'of it's day';  IADS was ahead
    of its time but is still out there doing useful work.  In both
    cases, heavy participation by the user community was
    instrumental.   And in both cases, many pre-existing
    standards were blithely ignored because the standards
    did not meet mission requirements.  Choose well and
    wisely.  In this day, choose something that will blend
    well and make sense to a public safety vendor consultant
    working an RFP out with a local agency.  Only that will
    get the attention of industry because only that comes
    with $ attached.
    Still, optional encodings and vocabularies have value.  It
    enables those who need guidance to work from a reasonable
    and not abstract model.   That is faster than requiring them
    to learn and experiment with rules.  Both are needed in
    this time, I think.