OASIS Emergency Management TC

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Re: [sia-pilot6] [emergency] EDXL-DE routing and valueListUrn

  • 1.  Re: [sia-pilot6] [emergency] EDXL-DE routing and valueListUrn

    Posted 03-21-2006 00:44
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    Subject: Re: [sia-pilot6] [emergency] EDXL-DE routing and valueListUrn

    I do believe we need to develop some use cases with representative 
    distribution that can be published in an implementation guide.  This 
    concept will take a bit to catch on and examples seem to be the best 
    approach.  I would favor the start of an SC specifically focused on 
    implementation.  This would give a home for new members of the TC that will 
    need a bit of guidance as they learn the process. I plan to put this on the 
    agenda for our meeting tomorrow.
    At 06:33 PM 3/20/2006, Rex Brooks wrote:
    >I don't think Carl misunderstood that different valueListUrns are
    >possible. Of course, I could be wrong, but I doubt it. I think Carl's
    >concern is that some people may think that Dave's proposal was for a
    >single valueListUrn. I do not think Dave is doing that. I think Dave
    >is responding to the call for various groups to start producing,
    >publishing and maintaining these necessary valueListUrns so that we
    >can start using them in EDXL_DE routed messages.
    >All of the international groups and constituencies mentioned need to
    >be informed that it is now incumbent upon them to provide these
    >semantic resources so that their systems, be they SensorNets or
    >weatherAlerts, can be properly connected through our Emergency
    >Response Networks.
    >At 5:00 PM -0700 3/20/06, Ellis, David wrote:
    > >Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
    > >Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
    > >       boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C64C7A.707355BB"
    > >
    > >Carl
    > >
    > >All of scenarios you have proposed could use seperate
    > >valueListUrn to control distribution of data within defined Area of
    > >Responsiblities.  If transfer of data is needed between these AORs,
    > >methods for exchanging messages are avaiable.  When can we talk
    > >about this.  I believe all of your domain issues are potential
    > >misunderstandings how routing is accomplished.
    > >
    > >David E. Ellis
    > >Information Management Architect
    > >(505) 844-6697
    > >
    > >
    > >From: Carl Reed OGC Account [mailto:creed@opengeospatial.org]
    > >Sent: Mon 3/20/2006 4:20 PM
    > >To: Ellis, David; SIA Pilot-6; emergency@lists.oasis-open.org
    > >Cc: Harry Haury; Haleftiras, Pericles; Glaser, Ronald
    > >Subject: Re: [emergency] EDXL-DE routing and valueListUrn
    > >
    > >David -
    > >
    > >While I understand the urgency and while I do not necessarily disagree with
    > >the contents of your slides on a National Effort for Emergency Data
    > >Distribution, I would like to add a few words of caution.
    > >
    > >First, what you have outlined are uses cases and requirements for one domain
    > >of use - alerts as related to secure US DoD sensor nets. I deal with folks
    > >doing sensor systems and networks in a number of other countries - all
    > >civilian. Any of these applications using sensors can create alerts. For
    > >example, a new water portal in Canada that will send alerts based on stream
    > >flow gauges, traffic alerts being generated by the new generation of ITS
    > >capabilities, weather alerts, and systems function alerts being generated by
    > >transducers, and so forth. We cannot loose sight of all the other potential
    > >use cases that drives the requirements for EDXL - now and in the future.
    > >
    > >Second, and related to the first, is the fact that OASIS is an international
    > >standards organization. As such, we cannot ignore requirements for using
    > >EDXL that may be extremely viable in other countries. It is unfortunate that
    > >we have had little input from organizations in other countries that have
    > >requirements similar to the US DoD. That is why I am very pleased with the
    > >progress of the Sensor Standards Harmonization work that NIST is
    > >spearheading.
    > >
    > >Third, we would be remiss in ignoring the potential for alerts coming from
    > >the emerging sensor nets being designed, built, and fairly recently deployed
    > >for home systems and office buildings (office sensor networks are much more
    > >mature). See
    > ><http://www.usipv6.com/CES_Presentations/CES_Itaru_Mimura.pdf>http://www. 
    > usipv6.com/CES_Presentations/CES_Itaru_Mimura.pdf
    > >as
    > >well as all the work being done at UCLA (SOS) and Sun (SUN SPOT). These
    > >systems are envisioned as being able to automatically generate alerts (fire,
    > >carbon monoxide, health, etc).
    > >
    > >Finally, and anyone (someone) correct me if I am wrong, but perhaps the
    > >COMCARE EPAD system would be a repository/registry solution.
    > >
    > >So, I agree that current DHS and DoD requirements are very valid and those
    > >requirements must be answered by EDXL. But let's make sure we remain
    > >balanced in our approach so that other communities outside DoD and DHS are
    > >also fairly represented at that CAP and EDXL have used well beyond.
    > >
    > >Cheers
    > >
    > >Carl
    > >
    > >