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RE: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema

    Posted 01-20-2006 22:04
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema

    Hi Folks,
    Can someone clarify the status of the spec at this point? I had to 
    leave a bit before the end of the last TC meeting, and I thought we 
    were pretty much done. That would make this thread moot. Is that 
    I tried to trace the thread back to get clarification that way, but I 
    got confused. I think that we may have had a case of one or another 
    of the comments being based on an incorrect "current" version. I 
    would really like to know where we stand at this point.
    At 6:35 PM -0700 1/19/06, Ellis, David wrote:
    >Art, Renato
    >At this point the SSIWG can define prototype location schema for 
    >sensor content objects and evaluate them be assigning these elements 
    >a "testing" namespace.  This will allow continued exploration of 
    >needed functionallity.
    >Once experiments have validated best elements structure (e.g.DoD and 
    >DNDO experiments), the SSIWG could recommend either addition of 
    >needed elements via EDXL-SS using the namespace=##other elements in 
    >current EDXL-DE or propose additions of content object elements for 
    >future versions of EDXL-DE.     
    >David E. Ellis
    >Information Management Architect
    >(505) 844-6697
    >From: Art Botterell [mailto:acb@incident.com]
    >Sent: Thu 1/19/2006 5:30 PM
    >To: Renato Iannella
    >Cc: Emergency_Mgt_TC TC; Mark Carlson - Conneva, Inc.
    >Subject: Re: [emergency] RE: Question on EDXL-DE schema
    >I had occasion to revisit the notes on digital signatures and 
    >encryption in the CAP 1.1 spec... sections and 
    >respectively.  This was the language contributed by Bob Wyman, and 
    >now that I'm getting around to addressing some of those issues, it 
    >seems workable, concise and unambiguous.  Maybe it would give us some 
    >guidance on how to express what we're trying to do here.
    >Meanwhile, I understand that several folks are playing with 
    >experimental extensions that they may or may not propose for 
    >ratification later.  Might it make sense to create two versions of 
    >the schema... a strict one to go in the spec, and an "experimentors' 
    >edition" (with the "##anys") in an application note or whatever?  
    >That way maybe we could encourage experimentation without diluting 
    >the spec itself.
    >- Art
    >On Jan 19, 2006, at 3:41 PM, Renato Iannella wrote:
    >>  On 20 Jan 2006, at 04:08, Ellis, David wrote:
    >>>  The ##other is an acceptable replacement for the ##any value 
    >>>  located in the any element following the xsd:choice element.  The 
    >>>  intent of this element in the EDXL-DE schema is to provide a 
    >>>  mechanism for signing our contentObjects.  The signing process 
    >>>  (refer to 
    >>>uses a different 
    >>>  namespace than EDXL-DE.
    >>  My point has always been that if this is the *intent* of the 
    >>  element, then that is what we need to clearly
    >>  indicate in the spec. It is used for digital signatures - full 
    >>  stop. If we start to say that the *same* element can be use for 
    >>  'experimental extensions' then we will have problems in the future 
    >>  (guaranteed !)
    >>  The best option to make this explicit is to reference the W3C XML 
    >>  Digital Signature namespace.
    >>  All that is needed is to include the DigSig namespace at the top of 
    >>  the EDXL Schema:
    >>  and in the ContentObjectType, put a reference to the DigSig 
    >>  Signature element:
    >>    <xsd:element ref="ds:Signature" minOccurs="0"/>
    >>  Cheers...  Renato Iannella
    >>  National ICT Australia (NICTA)
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    Rex Brooks
    President, CEO
    Starbourne Communications Design
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