OASIS Emergency Management TC

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RE: [emergency] Illogical Naming was: Re: [emergency] Sensors and Systems Charter Starting Point

  • 1.  RE: [emergency] Illogical Naming was: Re: [emergency] Sensors and Systems Charter Starting Point

    Posted 07-15-2005 16:48
     MHonArc v2.5.0b2 -->

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    Subject: RE: [emergency] Illogical Naming was: Re: [emergency] Sensors and Systems Charter Starting Point

    Most of what we do with our EM standards work involves the movement of 
    information in response to a detected event - be that a visual or otherwise 
    "sensed" event.  Much of the discussion about "systems" was actually more 
    about work flow and dissemination of information during an incident.  We 
    may should revisit the terms we use so as not to be misunderstood - say 
    sensors and work flow?  We deemed it important to designate sensors 
    separately due to the work that is developing in the labs and elsewhere 
    that EM standards are needed.  These groups are looking to the TC for 
    guidance and having a special place they can discuss their specific needs 
    would be helpful.  Comments?  Elysa
    At 11:06 AM 7/15/2005, Kon Wilms wrote:
    >I guess that proves my point.
    >On Fri, 2005-07-15 at 06:58 -0400, Vandame, Richard wrote:
    > > Non-sensers, perhaps.
    > >
    > > Rich
    > >
    > >